Thursday, November 28, 2013

Australia firm against China's AIr Defense Zone


Julie Bishop stands firm on remarks despite Chinese fury

by PHILIP WEN - 28/11/13, 4:49 PM

Julie Bishop denies US interference
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Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has refused to back down over comments to China regarding its newly declared air defence zone in the East China Sea, despite an angry response from the Chinese government.
And Treasurer Joe Hockey has supported his Coalition colleague saying she as doing ''exactly the right thing''.
Julie Bishop denies US interference
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Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has refused to back down over comments to China regarding its newly declared air defence zone in the East China Sea, despite an angry response from the Chinese government.
And Treasurer Joe Hockey has supported his Coalition colleague saying she as doing ''exactly the right thing''.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop says  Australia is opposed to any ''coercive or unilateral actions to change the status quo in the East China Sea''.
Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop says Australia is opposed to any ''coercive or unilateral actions to change the status quo in the East China Sea''.
The Chinese delivered an angry rebuke over "irresponsible remarks" made by Ms Bishop regarding its the East China Sea defence zone, in the latest diplomatic headache for the Abbott government in Asia.
The fall-out threatens to sour the mood for Ms Bishop's imminent visit to China - her first as Foreign Minister - and comes as the Abbott government pushes aggressively to seal a much-vaunted free trade deal with its largest trading partner within a year.
On Thursday morning, Ms Bishop stood by her public criticism of China, denying she overstepped the mark.
''This is a matter of long-standing Australian policy, we've raised it before and the response from China was to be expected,'' she told Sky News.
''Australia has a key stake in the region and we would oppose action by any side that we believe could add to the tensions or add to the risk of a miscalculation in disputed territorial zones in the region.''
Ms Bishop said she did not believe the comments would affect Australia's hopes of securing a free trade agreement with China next year.
When asked by reporters in Sydney on Thursday, Mr Hockey said he was not concerned that China's anger over the East China Sea issue could impede Australia-China free trade negotiations.
''From my perspective, Julie Bishop is doing exactly the right thing,'' Mr Hockey said.
The Treasurer added that government was about making hard decisions and being ''honest and frank with each other''.
''The best friend you can have is an honest friend,'' he said.
Ms Bishop had summoned Chinese ambassador Ma Zhaoxu on Monday to express the government's concern over the new zone, which covers airspace over a string of uninhabited islands - known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan - at the centre of a longstanding territorial dispute between the two regional powers.
Echoing the sentiments of the Japanese and the United States, Ms Bishop said the timing and manner of China's announcement was "unhelpful in light of current regional tensions, and will not contribute to regional stability".
"Australia has made clear its opposition to any coercive or unilateral actions to change the status quo in the East China Sea," she said on Tuesday.
But in a sternly worded statement on Wednesday, the Chinese foreign ministry warned Ms Bishop to ''correct'' her characterisation of its new air defence zone or risk damaging bilateral ties.
"It is completely a mistake for Australia to make irresponsible remarks on China's establishment of an air defence identification zone in the East China Sea, and the Chinese side will not accept it," foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said. "China urges Australia to correct its mistake immediately to prevent damaging Sino-Australia relations."
Mr Abbott's public declaration last month that Japan was Australia's "best friend" in Asia had already raised eyebrows in Beijing.
A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said the government would not retreat from its stance despite the pressure from Beijing and said it was expected to be ''a topic of discussion in Ms Bishop's upcoming visit".
"The Australian government remains concerned that China's sudden announcement of an air-defence identification zone over the East China Sea at this time could have potentially destabilising consequences for the region," the spokesman said on Wednesday.
"Australia has critical interests at stake in ensuring the continued peace and stability of our region. It was natural that the Australian government should signal its concerns about the timing and manner of China's announcement and to seek clarification."
China established its new "air defence identification zone" on Saturday, requiring aircraft entering the zone to notify authorities in advance and maintain radio contact - or risk military intervention.
The move has been met with strong protests by Japan and the US. Both have ignored China's claims to the airspace with Washington flying two unarmed warplanes through the zone in a planned training mission on Tuesday, and the Japanese government instructing its two largest airlines to ignore Beijing's requests for flight plans and other information.
Wang Xiangsui, a retired colonel of the People's Liberation Army, said Australia had offended China by taking sides with Japan.
"Australia says it is trying to become China's strategic partner, but it doesn't even consider respecting China's security interests."
Mr Abbott dismissed the suggestion that Australia’s recent comments would damage trade with China.
 ‘‘I expect China to be a strong and valuable economic partner of ours, because it is in China’s interest,’’ he said. 
The Prime Minister also said that China would understand that Australia would ‘‘take a different position’’ on some issues. 
On Thursday in Canberra, Prime Minister Tony Abbott backed Ms Bishop's actions.
 ‘‘Where we think Australia’s values and interests have been compromised, I think it is important to speak our mind,’’ he said.  
Mr Abbott said that Australia believed in freedom of navigation. 
‘‘And I think there is a significant issue here. That’s why it was important to call in the Chinese ambassador.’’ 

Labor leader Bill Shorten would not provide a specific position on the East China Sea issue, when he was quizzed by reporters on Thursday.
"I'm not going to start throwing rocks from the sidelines," he said, adding that it was a "complex" issue and was not a new dispute.  
But Mr Shorten did tell reporters in Canberra that a number of "spot fires" had emerged on foreign policy under the Coalition government's watch, which included the disputed islands as well as Indonesian relations.  
"We just want the federal government to get it right."
China’s announcement that it would establish a new air defence zone came just days after Ms Bishop signed a joint communique with the US in the annual Australia-US Ministerial Consultations in Washington opposing “unilateral or coercive change in the status quo” in the East China Sea.
It also follows a trilateral agreement signed with the US and Japan in Bali last month.
“It’s certainly a slap in the face for the diplomatic position that Australia, the US and Japan have been taking on this issue,” said Rory Medcalf, the director of the international security program at the Lowy Institute.
Kerry Brown, executive director of the University of Sydney’s China Studies Centre, said Ms Bishop was forced into siding with the US because of the long-standing alliance.
But he said the free trade talks were entrenched enough to remain unaffected by the diplomatic stoush.
‘‘This is a bit like a slanging match in a playground, where you have to stick with your friends even though you might not be too involved because of the need to demonstrate loyalty to them, rather than any direct interest,’’ Professor Brown said.
‘‘If Australia wavered on this one, they would irritate the US, but not really get very far with the Chinese, so I don’t think they have much choice.’’ 
China on Wednesday hauled in Justin Hayhurst, the deputy head of mission at Australia’s Beijing embassy, to remonstrate. Ambassador Frances Adamson is away on leave. 

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  • China and America aren't getting along, and we side with America {and Japan} No surprises there. And no surprises ahead in todays comments about Abbott and Bishop destroying relationships with foreign countries, being hopeless in government, possessing the diplomacy of a bull and the clichéd china {definitely no offensive pun intended} and generally being incompetent in all aspects of their brief tenure. Been a big week; offended the Poms in cricket, Indonesia in intelligence gathering and China with their mobile borders. Hard to know who's next.
    Date and time
    November 28, 2013, 6:51AM
    • I wasn't aware that becomeing a pariah state in our own region was one of the no surprises that Abbot mentioned
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 9:09AM
    • Worst Government ever. Election now!
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 9:24AM
    • America has very significantly enabled or is lefgally enabling at this minute,Japan to engage in war again.Thats what its really about ,distracting China with Japanese concerns to keep them out of the IndoneSIA ,MalaySIA and SingapORE scenario.Its setting the stage .Once again Japan will be used as the pawn.And once again the worlds oldest Monarchy wont be able to tell ,because their peoples minds are controlled by others ,and they wouldnt understand.
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 9:27AM
    • I support Bishop on this. We need to side with the US and tell commies China to get stuff. This is the 21st century, China need to grow up and stop acting like a bully. China is just an uncivilized warmongers country.
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 9:40AM
    • She should not have commented at all.
      Peter A
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 10:00AM
    • get a grip everyone - lots of hyperventilating about politics going on here. but really, this is not to do with australian domestic politics. its about a rogue totalitarian state being a bully. the entire south east asian community is being bullied by china and you all suggest we should go along with this?
      you all sound like mike carlton badgering on about how its a "tory failure". its nothing of the sort. its a matter of the rule of international law and respect for everyones rights. so when you start suggesting we should respect china's rights, stop to ask yourself about Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and all those states who have been bullied in some way by a chinese system that has zero legitimacy in the modern world of self-determination and respect for all peoples.
      move on.
      calm down
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 10:05AM
    • Bishop's own hubris let her walk right into a sucker punch on this one. She really thinks she is some sort of world power all on her own and that one word and a death stare from her and other countries will roll over and behave. Big mistake Ms Bishop. The leaders of our neighbouring countries in Asia appear to be barely restraining their contempt for your bumbling arrogance and every day we are relegated further into pariah state by the actions of this incompetent mob handed government.
      So far the still new Abbott led LNP have annoyed Russia, seriously irritated Indonesia and now offended China and that's without harping on how they made the country a laughing stock and the butt of world jokes at the Warsaw Climate Change Conference.
      Between the bumbling lack of any discernible diplomacy skills and the daily growing list of blatant lies and broken promises this is a government that is showing the promise of being much much worse that the worse fears of those who held little faith in it's ability to deliver anything of value. What it's doing is shaping up to be down right dangerous as well as mean and tricky.
      The cone of silence it has imposed on its ministers might hold back the information for a short while but all their nefarious doings will end up coming out eventually no matter how the superannuated ex-ministers from the last LNP government are paid to spin matters.
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 10:08AM
    • Well EA...China and the US have something in common then?
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 10:15AM
    • @ calm down
      "this is not to do with australian domestic politics... its nothing of the sort. its a matter of the rule of international law and respect for everyone's rights"
      Very well said.
      Too often, any policy or comment regarding the government appears to attract a coven of screeching ALP acolytes, still wailing and beating their heads in denial of the election results.
      Enraged Sock-puppet
      Date and time
      November 28, 2013, 10:22AM
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