Thursday, October 10, 2013

Scientists Hail Major Breakthrough in Treating Alzheimer’s in Mice

Scientists Hail Major Breakthrough in Treating Alzheimer’s in Mice

A new drug compound has successfully prevented degenerative diseases from destroying brain cells in mice.
An Alzheimer's researcher of the Research Center and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) shows a piece of brain before cutting at Insituto Politecnico in Mexico City
Edgard Garrido / Reuters
An Alzheimer's researcher of the Research Center and Advanced Studies shows a piece of brain before cutting at Insituto Politecnico in Mexico City April 20, 2012.
According to a study published in Science Translational Medicine this week, British researchers say they have achieved a breakthrough that could led to a revolution in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
The researchers say that a drug they developed stopped degenerative brain diseases in lab mice. The drug prevents neurons from being destroyed by targeting how the brain reacts to abnormally shaped proteins responsible for neural degeneration.
“We were extremely excited when we saw the treatment stop the disease in its tracks and protect brain cells, restoring some normal behaviors and preventing memory loss in the mice, ” scientist Giovanna Mallucci told Sky News.
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"The researchers say that a drug they developed stopped degenerative brain diseases in lab mice."
No, they don't say that.  "Diseases" the last time I checked, is plural - and only 1 model for 1 disease was actually tested in this study.  In fact, if you go to Science Translational Medicine and look for "Alzherimer's" - you won't find this article show up.  What the authors actually say that in the mouse model of PRION disease on which they tested the drug (PERK inhibitor), that the drug suppressed a coping mechanism that's actually deleterious in this model of the disease... again, in that particular genetic model.  They say it could have utility outside of this genetic model, but that's purely speculative (not an unreasonable hypothesis, but this is classically bad science journalism in action -- this is not the major point the authors are making!).
My father has Alzheimers and I am his caretaker.  People who comment here should know how much we pray that there will be a treatment/cure for this terrible disease. It is not a story to make fun of. We all could be in my Dad's or my shoes someday. 
@JeriSteckling I agree with you. And I lost my mom about 20 days ago to this terrible disease... how sad the way people treat others, with no respect at all to our feelings... 
@bryan.dhn @JeriSteckling I'm sorry for your loss. My Mom has something similar, and every day is a challenge for me, and scary for her. She knows she has a problem, which is probably the worst part. It's no way to live, and she frequently says she wishes she could just die. I want her to live on because I think maybe something miraculous could happen & she could get better.
@JeriSteckling Mother Passed away at the early age of 65 by this terrible disease. None of the drugs out there are doing anything this is huge if it can do the same to humans
@JeriSteckling I lost my Mother to Alzheimer's and my sister's mother-in-law is currently dealing with is a horrible disease and I am so happy that they have made strides...this is great news.
Who wants to guess that the main ingredient is either THC, or THC that's been altered some how.
@dfiantwolfe keep dreaming stoner
In his defence, he may be correct. THC and the many other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant have a profound effect on glutamate regulation at or near the synapse in a neuron; which is a significant factor in the disease process of Alzheimer's and dementia and many other degenerative diseases of the nervous system. Google glutamate and cannabinoids and you'll have all the proof you need. Cannabis resin is loaded with proven neuro-protecting compounds. I for one think defiantwolfe's comment is a serious one and should not be overlooked.
At long last, now I can prevent my pet mice from getting lost while driving!
@franciskelly6 not funny. You need to educate literally shuts down your body from functioning..not just memory can get the disease as early as 30. You do not want to ever get this or have someone in your life that has making asinine jokes like this really says alot about your ignorance.
@arose4yu @franciskelly6 lost my beloved mom 20 days ago to Alzheimer. She was a sweet woman and it was REALLY sad to see how she ended her days... I wouldn´t wish this disease to anyone... Please, be careful when making comments cause you´re touching someone else´s emotions and feelings. 

Great news. Lets hope it works on humans as well and gets to the market as soon as possible. Human trials normally take years. But if it works Alzheimer patients all across Europe and eventually the whole world can be helped by this. That would be an enormous help to so many families. Great work. New Noble prize? 

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