Sunday, November 3, 2013

West Point hosts first wedding between 2 men, CBS News

AP/ November 2, 2013, 8:17 PM

West Point hosts first wedding between 2 men

West Point graduate Larry Lennox-Choate, left, and Daniel Lennox-Choate, leave church following their wedding ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, at the U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Chapel in West Point, N.Y.
West Point graduate Larry Lennox-Choate, left, and Daniel Lennox-Choate, leave church following their wedding ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, at the U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Chapel in West Point, N.Y. / AP PHOTO/JILL KNIGHT
WEST POINT, N.Y.Two West Point graduates were married Saturday in the military academy's first wedding between two men.
Larry Choate III, class of 2009, married Daniel Lennox, class of 2007, before about 20 guests.
Choate, 27, taught Sunday school at the U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Chapel and said he always thought of it as the place he would get married if he could.
West Point hosted two same-sex weddings of women in late 2012, more than a year after New York legalized same-sex marriage. But Saturday's wedding was the first time two men wed at West Point.
"It's maybe one more barrier that's pushed over a little bit, or maybe one more glass ceiling that's shattered that makes it easier for the next couple," Choate said Friday.
Choate and Lennox are out of the military and wore tuxedoes for the ceremony. Some of their guests were in uniform.
The 28-year-old Lennox is getting his master's degree in business administration at Harvard University. Choate is applying to Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
The pair did not know each other as cadets but met later through a friend.
Chaplain Cynthia Lindenmeyer officiated the ceremony.
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99 CommentsAdd a Comment
It's high time the services walked into the 21st century. Gay people do comprise some 8% of the population. I retired from active duty years ago, but remember running into gay service members with regularity. Although, none were ever friends, I kept an open mind--they did their jobs. Most were not hard to spot. They were perpetually single, not or never married, and sometimes put out cues. A few came out during their retirement parties. Once your retirement was signed off by your commander, it could not be stopped.
I haven't been able to look at guys in cowboy hats without snicker since I saw Brokeback Mountain. The same now applies to to our men in uniform.
I've always known that men who prefer the company of other men 24/7 are confused.
LITPER replies:
lol, looking at the nick, i hope it's a joke
KYRIE2013 says:
Sounds like what happen within Solomon's Temple, which was corrupted with having idols like Baal idols and altars within it....we need an boy King Josiah (II Kings 22-23 within our places of worship to stop these abominations!
LITPER replies:
Religious people are mentally ill
I think the founders of this great country just rolled in their graves.
AMITCO replies:
Most of them owned human beings. Do you really want to take their morale judgment seriously?
There is nothing natural about the so called gay love. It goes against all that is natural and right. Its like putting a square peg into a round hole no pun intended. Absolutely disgusting and sad that the minority, yes minority of those out there who feel this is ok seem to feel it is so important to shout their "pride" from the rooftops, through the media, and any other venue that they can drown the rest of us with these stories in hopes that somehow the rest of the normal population will say ok it is fine, do what you will and it will be all ok, when it is not ok, and you know it. These poor people should be figuring out what the hell went wrong not celebrating something that is at its core wrong.
LUKEBRUX replies:
Ohh when 400 Million people in the world are gay or lesbian it's not something you can define as unnatural. What exactly are you fearing from gays? That they turn you gay? That they will be aggressive with you? That they can push you out of the closet? Nothing that it's done sexually by gay people isn't done by straights, otherwise you have a very boring sexuality.
WOOKIEE-1138 replies:
Homosexuality isn't at all uncommon in nature.

Humans are the aberration.

At any rate, love of any sort is something we can never have too much of.
Behaviorally, homosexuality creates social turmoil beginning with public bathrooms, showers, dorm rooms and military barracks. Previously separated by gender to preserve personal privacy and eliminate sexual attraction, they now become place of embarrassment and chaos when it's not just opposites that attract. Consider this article: "Transgender boy invades girls' bathroom" at

Moreover, consider the objections of couple subject to a "pat down" by a gay policeman, who violates their sexual privacy under the guise of the "law of non-discrimination". Sexual privacy needs are afforded when an individual has adequate physical and visual separation from anyone attracted to their sex. By definition, homosexuals deny society of its sexual privacy, although they have no concept of their offense.

Militarily, effeminate and butch homosexuals emasculate our military, embolden our enemies, generate turmoil in the ranks, cost us the respect of other nations, discourage good prospective Americans from entering military service, fail to emulate the courageous GI's and Marines that served in earlier generations, and they weaken the USA.

As it affects health, homosexuals experience greater depression resulting from rejection by a majority of the population who oppose homosexually, amplified when impressionable children are exposed to a lifestyle their parents abhor, and who recognize how it terminates their family legacies. Subsequently, parents of the bride expect to pay for the wedding of a straight couple with the thought of grandchildren in the years to come. In a disenchanted and unholy union, why are homosexuals surprised of their parents' lack of support? Sadly, our moral decay lead by this minority is accompanied by severe consequences as described in the CDC's document " TODAY'S HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIC' HIV rates" Some insurance companies add premium surcharges for unhealthy lifestyles which involve over-eating or smoking. It seems a travesty for government officials to endorse a life shortening lifestyle such as homosexuality.

On a biological level, homosexuality is dysfunctional; ignoring that life is sexually transmitted and universally contrary to the sexual orientation of straight parents. It introduces human waste into the reproduction system which is reprehensible, it raises the risk of acquiring AIDS/HIV, increases health care costs and shortens life spans. It's like pounding in nails with a wrench, destroying the wrench and bending the nails. On a more elementary level, the plumbing and electrical professions identify different male and female fittings, knowing how they are designed to work, and that connecting two of the same yields disastrous results. Consequently, homosexuals ignore that "form follows function", at their own peril.

Theologically, homosexuality is contrary to the Bible resulting in the gay community embracing atheism as it conflicts with their hedonistic lifestyle. Scriptural condemnation begins in Genesis with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and continues through Revelation. However, consider His grace reflected in I Corinthians 6::9 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals,10 thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Some of you once lived this way. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." Rejecting His grace, we just become another Godless nation.

More compelling verses:
Leviticus 18:22
"Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin."

And for raising children: Luke 17:2
"It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin."

For those who believe in God, what could be more compelling?
LITPER replies:
Take your meds.
Hey Litper..Wonder why being **** is NOT accepted BY ANY RELIGION IN THE WORLD..
See all 5 Replies
I think that it is laughable that the gay rights people suppose that they are going to change conservatives minds with a clever argument as if we are gullible and easy manipulated by your sophomoric debating skills. You can joke about it an hurl insults all you like but we are not buying into your cause and you know it. You suppose that you can get a gay marriage law passed and then everyone will roll over and accept defeat. I don't see that happening now and I don't see that happening in during your life time. This is a battle that will go on for a generation or more and you are kidding yourself if you don't understand that.
LITPER replies:
you insane conservatives are too old and dying out, even the young republicans are against all this anti-gay anti-freedom bull
FREEDOMAGAIN221 replies:
Watch you roll over in defeat? No, but I will enjoy watching you extremist groups growing smaller and smaller as people desert you for your extreme ideals.
See all 5 Replies
Is this really news? Why do have to emphasize every gay marriage in America?
LITPER replies:
I can't wait for time it doesn't become news anymore, but right now there are still some crazy conservatives who need to be educated
You suppose that I hate gays but I do not. Actually when I was in I was at a party with about a dozen or more guys from the base, I asked one of the NCOs who I had know for almost two years who his civilian friend was, it was a guy and I guess he trusted me because he said it was his boyfriend, he said he was gay, my jaw dropped I had no idea. I never said anything to anyone because I knew it would be the end of his career if I did, but back then weren't trying to cram it down your through either. So you see this is not about being gay this is about gay marriage and special civil rights, two completely different issues.
FREEDOMAGAIN221 replies:
"through?" It is throat buckshot. Also there is a difference between equality and an extreme Christian trying to shove his belief system into everyone's home like your doing.
LITPER replies:
lol if you don't have gay oral sex then nobody can ram anything down your throat
See all 9 Replies
JUSTME-123 says:
Oh no! America is destroyed yet again! How many more times can we be destroyed before something actually bad happens? And all straight marriages were rendered invalid because of this. We're doomed!!! (Runs screaming from room, arms flailing wildly above head.)
LITPER replies:
At least we can hope some mentally ill conservatives heads will explode!
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