The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 two weeks ago has left many families in a state of panic, searching for answers and coming up empty-handed. Recently, Malaysia Airlines offered to fly K.S. Narendran to Kuala Lumpur because his wife, Chandrika Sharma was one of 239 passengers aboard the jet. Sharma, who was the executive secretary of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers was on her way to a United Nations conference in Mongolia, was set to return on the 15th. However, that day has come and gone.

Surprisingly, Narendran did not take Malaysia Airlines up on their offer. Because he had no concrete evidence, he did not see the point and opted instead to stay home in the Indian city of Chennai where he could be with family and  friends.


Everyone has been coping with this tragedy differently. Many have outwardly expressed their anger as time drags on without revealing any promising new information. However, Narendran decided to remove himself from that. Refusing to follow the news on his tv and computer, the quiet human resources consultant instead decided to pen a note that expressed what was in his heart.

Moni Basu, a reporter at CNN, asked Narendran if he would share his note with CNN viewers, and he agreed. It is powerful, emotional and riveting. Narendran begins:

“If one were not directly and personally involved, one could have marveled at evil genius that authored a plot such as this, and the craft and research that supported it. Presently, it only brings to the fore how little we actually know, how vulnerable we are, and the things we take for granted about people, places, and things.”[source]

Chandrika Sharma husband_PTI

For those who wonder how he gets through every day, he writes:

“As individuals, we can do very little. We wait patiently. With every passing day and each fragment of information that comes in, we revise the narrative strung together, and articulate the new set of perplexing and urgent questions that inevitably come up. My friends and family mostly do this for me, leaving me to take stock at the day’s end in what seems like a 45-minute feature of “Face the Facts.” [source]

Although Narendran would not watch the news, he did watch short press conferences about the missing flight.

“For now, I remain open to news that point to clear, incontrovertible evidence of what happened, and actions taken or afoot that can bring the whole incident to a satisfactory close. What is priority is information that is a step closer to bringing Chandrika back, and for us to plan our next steps to redesign our life from here on.” [source]

Narendran reveals that his whole family will have to make adjustments. His daughter, Meghna, is evaluating how she will go back to college and manage her anxiety while she wishes her mother were home. Although the mother of Narendran’s wife is confident that her daughter will return, Narendran himself reveals that he does not believe in miracles.

“I remain focused on what we have at hand by way of information, and stay with the knowledge that Chandrika is strong and courageous, that her goodness must count for something, somewhere. I carry firmly the faith that the forces of life are eternal, immutable and ever present to keep the drama ever moving. In the ultimate analysis, I am neither favored nor deserted. No one is.” [source]


Narendran credits his strength with Vipassana, an ancient form of meditation in India. Vipassana is centered around seeing events and circumstances as they really are. Narendran says that the practice of being “present” has helped him prevent his imagination from running wild with thoughts of what could have happened to his wife.

“As family, we are not given to histrionics/theatrics. We suffer, we agonize, we tether on the edge, but seldom allow ourselves to be overwhelmed. I don’t say this with any sense of self-congratulation or offer it as recommendation. I am merely saying this for those who know us from a distance or fleetingly.” [source]

At the end of his note, Narendran said that he felt comforted and renewed by the messages of solidarity and prayer that he has received from people all over the world. Narendran is still waiting for his wife to come home, as he says,

“for the wheels of invisible diplomacy and intelligence work, and the military might of countries to come together in complementing ways to outwit and overcome sinister minds, if indeed that is what is at work.” [source]

Two of the most important things, Narendran advises, is to keep the pressure on authorities to solve the Flight 370 mystery, and above all – keep calm.

Narendran’s quiet strength in a volatile situation is admirable. We hope for the best outcome for all families and loved ones affected by this flight’s disappearance. Here is the full CNN news segment: