Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chinese general warns that US is making 'important' mistakes in region Published May 31, 2014The Wall Street Journal

Chinese general warns that US is making 'important' mistakes in region

May 31, 2014: US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel walks to his seat as he arrives for the official luncheon at the 13th Asia Security Summit in Singapore.AP/Pool
Chinese defense officials reacted furiously to U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's assertion that China has undertaken destabilizing actions as it pursues its territorial ambitions in the South China Sea.
Rebutting Hagel's remarks, offered in a speech Saturday at the Shangri-La Dialogue, a regional security summit in Singapore, Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu told The Wall Street Journal that the charges are "groundless" and that "the Americans are making very, very important strategic mistakes right now" in their approach to China.
Gen. Zhu, who is a professor at China's National Defense University, accused Hagel of hypocrisy in his assessment of the region's security landscape, suggesting that in his view "whatever the Chinese do is illegal, and whatever the Americans do is right."
Rather than lecture and accuse China, Gen. Zhu said that the U.S. "should treat China as an equal partner, instead of as an enemy."
"If you take China as an enemy, China will absolutely become the enemy of the U.S.," he warned. "If the Americans take China as an enemy, we Chinese have to take steps to make ourselves a qualified enemy of the U.S. But if the Americans take China as a friend, China will be a very loyal friend; and if they take China as a partner, China will be a very cooperative partner."
As a two-star general—and a military academic—Gen. Zhu isn't part of China's senior military leadership. But his views reflect the deep sense of mistrust within some parts of the People's Liberation Army toward the Obama administration's "pivot" to Asia, and America's true intentions toward China. China didn't send its top-level defense officials to the Shangri-La gathering, instead relying on a number of English-speaking academics and PLA officers to rebuff accusations against Beijing.
Gen. Zhu's comments were echoed during a spirited question-and-answer session following Hagel's speech. In the session, PLA Maj. Gen. Yao Yunzhu questioned America's repeated claim that it doesn't take sides in territorial disputes, asking how that can be true when the U.S. also claims the disputed islands in the East China Sea are covered by a U.S. treaty with Japan.
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Obama and Hagel should mind their words regarding China. After all, those two have done everything they can to weaken and turn the U.S. military into a shadow of itself. Most Americans still believe that it is the pre-eminent military in the world, but, Obama and Hagel have changed that for the worse. If anyone thinks that we would just roll-over the Chicoms in the event of an armed incident or a war, they had better think again. Thanks to Obama, Hagel and the Democrats, those days are over.
China and Russia only understand one thing as the cold war has proven. That doesn't mean war, it just means strong resistance. America must have a military so strong that they would NEVER dare challenge us. 
Lets see.. China is continuously stealing proprietary and intellectual property. Continuously expanding their military might and transfers of weaponry to the ME, N. Korea and Venezuela. Building a NAvy to equal and or surpass the US's navy.... And the lefties here all espouse the mental capacity and foreign policy attributes of Bammy.. when in all fact, Bammy is the most inept CiC that this country has had the poor misfortune of witnessing first hand.
Furthermore... When all the issues that BAmmy has caused come to light after the 2016 elections and that of 2014... The left will be reminded every day of what the failures were of this admin and their complete geo-political shortcoming and issues that they started and left for the conservatives to fix... When adding the domestic destruction as well... The left will have no where to turn hide or run 
How many chinese "GUESTS" have been sent home or prosecuted for espionage ?


The Real Public
The Real Public
@boiling Yeah... the Real Estate they own here is absolutely shocking ! 
Very true, but remember the real estate they own is by private individual companies etc. not the communist state. you can own private enterprise in the United States, but if you're not allowed through government bureaucracy to benefit by it, it's useless.
Jesse Chambers
Jesse Chambers
CHINA is an opponent -- if not downright enemy --
and has been since we fought a war with them, face to face, in the 1950's.
CHAIRMAN MAO'S son died in that conflict.
Another example of something Os bunch is consistent at like lies and incompetence. This administration is good at division.
China already considers us an enemy. So what else is new. Sooner or later they will ask for the money back that the US borrowed from them to prop up all the runaway spending. 
China is no more our friend than was Russia during World War ll but is not being belligerent due to financial interest. There is an old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and it applied with Russia and now with China with slight modification, "The source of billions of trade dollars is not my enemy, yet". Nixon opened up a can of worms that most politicians are not capable of handling and this misadministration certainly gets an "F". 
There is no need for the US and China to be enemies, BUT we should not for one second ever allow the US military's edge to ever be eroded relative to anyone.

In this regard I think the left and Obama are very dangerous.  They live on liberal fantasy island.
Obama's military diplomacy at work.
China already knows that under this administration America is no longer the big boy on the block and thus reacts like it.
Pedro Bundol
Pedro Bundol
Here is a common sense advice. Stop making enemies when you are downsizing your defense capabilities. I would be the last to assume to know more than the geniuses we have in this incompetent Administration. America is not in
the position of strength anymore. Thanks to Obama and the Democrats we are behind Russia and China and some day Iran. Stop behaving as if we still matters. Our allies know it, our foes know it. We are in a position of weakness economically, militarily and in the near future technologically. Never mind financially broke

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