Thursday, June 5, 2014

Group of Seven Leaders talked about the tensions between China and the neighboring countries

Group of Seven Leaders talked about the tensions between China and the neighboring countries that are having problems on the resources in the East and South China Seas.
The G7 leaders expressed their concerns on the tensions between China and other countries that are claiming the resources on the East and South China Seas and they warned against the use of intimidation, force or coercion.
They said that they are deeply concerned on the East and South China Sea and they oppose any unilateral attempt by any party to claim a territory through intimidation and force. The statement was made after evening talks in Brussels.
They are also calling all the parties involved to clarify and pursue their territorial and maritime claims with regard to the international law. Recently, the Philippines submitted a 4,000 page memorial to bring this problem to the international court. However, China said that they won’t be participating on the legal battle because they wanted to resolve the disputes through peaceful means without the interference of other countries.
China, through the nine-dash line that they made, is claiming almost the entire oil and gas rich South China Sea and they dismissed any claims from Brunei, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. China is also having disputes over the islands located in the East China Sea.
More and more people became concerned over the territorial disputes after the tensions between Vietnam and China arouse and after the submitted memorial of the Philippines was

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