Wednesday, June 11, 2014

US proposes South China Sea provocation freeze GMA Network, Yangon, 11 June 2014

GMA Network

Summary YANGON - A US official proposed Wednesday that China and Southeast Asian nations call a moratorium on actions seen as provocative in a bid to cool tensions in the South China Sea. "The claimant states themselves could identify the kind of behavior that they each find provocative when others do it, and offer to put a voluntary freeze on those sorts of actions on the condition that all the other claimants would agree to do so similarly," Russel, an assistant secretary of state, told reporters on a conference call.

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  1. Its an International all countries subject to it should and must submit its arguments to UNCLOS for its descision....

  2. The Philippines should pursue her case even futher by making this an international issue indeed, this is not between ASEAN claimant nations vs China who wants to usurp the EEZ of the respective countries, China is not a maritime nation but just had an ambition to be one by making the south china sea (or West Philippine Sea) as their lake.

    Justice Carpio on China's historical lie:
