Sunday, September 14, 2014

David Haines murder: miscalculation or desperation?

David Haines murder: miscalculation or desperation?

Isil’s killing of David Haines was an attempt to show its momentum. Instead, it has revealed weakness, writes Richard Spencer

An image grab taken from a propaganda video uploaded on 11 June 2014 by jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) allegedly shows ISIL militants gathering at an undisclosed location in Iraq's Nineveh province
Where Al-Qaeda was a small organisation with a global reach, Isil is a large organisation with a local reach — and one that owes its advances to the softness of its targets 
Britain and America may have stood shoulder-to-shoulder in the “war on terror”, but over the past couple of years the language has been strikingly different. Back in January, when politicians and police in Britain were warning us daily how Syria-bound militants would inevitably return to blow us up, President Barack Obama took a very different tack. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) was no al-Qaeda, he said. “If a JV [Junior Varsity] team puts on Lakers uniforms,” he noted, “that doesn’t make them [star players such as] Kobe Bryant” – a basketball analogy that even his deferential interviewer described as flippant.
The reason for such flippancy, however, was clear. If, in January, he had conceded that Iraq was about to be plunged into chaos, he would have been admitting that his key foreign policy triumph – the removal of American troops from Iraq just two years earlier – was a disaster. Naturally, he was going to play down the threat.
Now that Isil controls large parts of Iraq and Syria, and is beheading American and British citizens for the cameras, Mr Obama has been forced to reassess. And that assessment is certain to be made all the harder by this weekend’s cruel killing of David Haines. For the video of his death is, on many levels, incomprehensible. So one issue that Mr Obama and David Cameron have to decide and, perhaps, agree upon, is precisely what it was for.
From one perspective, killing Mr Haines, and promising to do the same to another Briton, may simply be “what Isil does”. Looking through the daily YouTube video updates from the conflicts in Syria and Iraq – heads paraded on spikes, crucifixions, hundreds of unarmed men lined up and shot – it is tempting to dismiss the latest crime as just another act of mindless violence. There are certainly enough people in the Middle East pointing out to me that what is happening to Westerners this month and making headlines is only what those living in the region have been suffering so often recently that the Western world has given up taking notice.
To date, however, we have assumed that there is more to Isil’s tactics than mere psychopathy. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the group’s leader, and now the self-styled caliph of the Muslim world, has played an extraordinary hand to rise so far so fast . Young men and women across the world, some well educated, not apparently crazy, hold his leadership in high regard; he has set up a functioning state in parts of Syria, where once there was chaos. His organisation is self-financing, and feeds and clothes its people, so far. It is brutal, but it is working. It isn’t mad.
Which makes this latest beheading more puzzling. Isil must have realised it would not succeed in its avowed purpose of making Mr Cameron give up his policies in the Middle East. In fact, it seems clear that the killing can only stiffen the Prime Minister’s resolve. If Mr Haines’s murderers had waited until Mr Cameron decided one way or the other whether to join America’s bombing raids on Isil positions, they would have been certain to reap clear propaganda gains – either with a punishment killing to show the price of defying their will, or with the claim that their threats had stayed Britain’s hand. Now, Mr Cameron can make the decision to bomb knowing that it won’t make any difference.
Yet while the killing has no obvious advantages for Isil, it does have some very clear negative consequences. Even those who hate the West and its policies, and believe that it is engaged in a long war against Sunni Islam, and are determined to see it humiliated, will have some sense that killing a man who had gone to deliver aid to Sunni Muslims in their hour of greatest need is an extreme thing to do. Countries like Saudi Arabia want to engage in the war against Isil, but are nervous of their Sunni populations. For them, such killings provide a justification for intervention that is hard to better. That all these killings come when Mr Obama and Mr Cameron are both being determinedly modest in their responses, refusing to commit to a George W Bush-type “war on terror”, only emphasises the point.
This puzzle is not necessarily enough to make us revisit our previous assessments of Isil behaviour. It is clear that one of the primary purposes of Isil propaganda is to instill fear – not only to intimidate, but also to further its ideology. Killing people in a “medieval way”, as the jihadists eagerly agree they do, is part of the point: the caliphate intends to return us to the seventh century, and using the sword and the knife is a reminder to believer and unbeliever alike that modern ways have made us soft and corrupt. Our fearfulness at events on that barren Raqqa hillside underlines the point. The sword was enough to sweep the Prophet and his companions to victory in the harsh Arabian Desert then, these images declare, and will be again.
So this killing may be the result of a simple miscalculation. The jihadist in the video perhaps really does believe that he is locked in a remorseless and indivisible war between Islam and the West, that the West’s two leading protagonists will always be Britain and America, and that there can be no mercy until they retreat. Perhaps he really thinks that Mr Cameron and Mr Obama might make the extraordinary mistake either of pulling out, or panicking and blindly going in all guns blazing. There is no sign of that, however. Indeed, so measured has been the response to terror this time that the continuation of the beheadings may well turn out to be a sign of Isil’s greater desperation.
That understanding depends on the realisation that while it was wrong to underestimate Isil before, it would now be wrong to exaggerate its success. While al-Qaeda was a small organisation with a global reach, Isil is now a large organisation with, as yet, only a local reach, and one that has owed its success to the softness of its targets. The FBI insists there have been no Isil threats to the US homeland to date. Isil has, rather, taken on a regime in Syria that was staggering under an uprising; a Syrian rebel cause that had splintered; and an Iraqi army that had lost the support of its people and even its troops. When its drive to Baghdad was held up, it turned on the Yazidis and Christians – softer targets still. Now it is starting to be pinned back further, by Shia militia, by the Kurdish Peshmerga, even by those splintered rebels, who have managed to hold off an Isil advance on Aleppo in recent days. Isil’s forces are being bombed by US jets, but the group has failed to trigger the sort of overreaction from Mr Obama that would enable it to bandy about the word “Crusade”, so emotive to Sunni audiences.
Isil’s effectiveness depends on its showing off a visible and continued momentum, and momentum it has undoubtedly had since it emerged in its current form on the streets of Aleppo and Raqqa 18 months ago. But the more it is challenged in the field and from the air, the more it needs to show that the momentum is continuing in some form. Startling videos are one such proof, and the sad truth is that the more successful the West’s response, the more there are likely to be. That does not mean we should change our approach.

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