Monday, September 15, 2014

Soon Europe Might Not Need Power Plants – A New Energy Revolution Is Coming September 14, 2014


Soon Europe Might Not Need Power Plants – A New Energy Revolution Is Coming


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It’s time to join the energy revolution. Everyday, more people across the globe are starting to realize that our current ways of generating power are out-dated.
The worlds largest private bank, UBS, is urging investors to join the clean, renewable energy movement. Analysts at the bank say that power plants in Europe might be extinct within the next 10 to 20 years.
Most of the plants retiring in the future will not be replaced, large scale power plants could be on the path to extinction.”(source)
In a briefing paper sent out to clients last week, they state that centralized power stations are too big and inflexible, that they are completely irrelevant for future power generation. The report also outlined how it will be cheaper and more efficient for businesses and homes to generate their own electricity to power homes and cars, as well as store any excess energy without any subsidies.
The report also details how investing in home solar energy systems with a life span of 20 years, an electric car and small scale battery powered appliances will pay for itself in six to eight years in various countries throughout Europe. The report outlines how, for example, a German buyer should receive 12 years of electricity for free for a system that would be purchased in 2020.
Like many other people around the world, the bank is expecting a complete paradigm shift.
In most sunny parts of the world it is cheaper to generate power from photovoltaic modules on your roof than to buy it from your utility. The best newly built windfarms are selling power at the equivalent of 3p/kWh before subsidies, which neither gas, nor coal, nor nuclear power can match. LED lightbulbs can be bought for a few pounds, providing home-owners a quick and cheap way of cutting their utility bills. What is even more important is that the cost reductions that have led to this point are set to continue inexorably, far out into the future.”(source)
UBS says that centralized fossil fuel generation will become extinct, and that it will happen sooner than people realize.

We Are Taking Steps In The Right Direction But More Work Is Required

It’s great to hear UBS acknowledge that fossil fuel generation will become extinct. This needs to happen as soon as possible if we want to move forward. It’s clear to them, as it is so many others that we are capable of so much more, and have been for a very long time.
For example, a team at IBM recently developed what they call a High Concentration Photo Voltaic Thermal (HCPVT) system that is capable of concentrating the power of 2,000 suns, they are even claiming to be able to concentrate energy safely up to 5,000X, that’s huge. You can read more about that here
At full capacity, the Ivanpah facility produces a gross total of 392 megawatts (MW) of solar power. That’s enough electricity to provide 140,000 homes in California with clean green energy and cut out approximately half a million metric tones of carbon dioxide per year. You can read more about that here.
We could have solar panels set up in deserts all over the planet that could provide power to everybody on the planet! Think about that for a moment, Why, when we have the resources, capabilities and man power, does money always get in the way of saving our planet?
As far as transportation, it’s beyond me why electric cars are not mandatory.

 Free Energy. Not Just Fringe Ideas. This Is Real. 

Free energy, also known as zero-point energy could one day provide power to everybody. Here’s a clip of  renowned physicist Dr. Harold Puthoff explaining the reality of it. To read the article click HERE.
To visit CE’s energy section of our website, click HERE.

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