Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The US Navy, Japan and India will hold joint exercises off the northern coast of the Philippines in close proximity to the South China Sea.

Littoral combat ship USS conducts routine patrols in international waters of the South China Sea

More Kids on the Block? US, Japan, India to Hold Exercises Near S China Sea

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The US Navy, Japan and India will hold joint exercises off the northern coast of the Philippines in close proximity to the South China Sea.

At a security conference in New Delhi, the head of the US Pacific Command, Admiral Harry Harris, said that the exercises will be held in the northern part of the Philippine Sea. The timing of the exercise has not been reported, it is only known that they will be held this year, Reuters reported.
The coast is the object of territorial disputes between several states in the region.
The South China Sea holds nearly a third of the world's marine cargo that passes through it and the offshore islands located there are rich in oil.
Apart from China, the islands are claimed by members of ASEAN, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Washington Must 'Stop Playing Chicken in the South China Sea'

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