Friday, June 24, 2016

Indonesia President Widodo can talk tough and act tough because he is backed by a good Air Force and Navy

Indonesia President Widodo can talk tough and act tough because he is backed by a good Air Force and Navy

In this photo, President Widodo is on board the anti submarine warfare corvette Imam Bonjol, made in Germany. The weapon system beside him is an anti submarine weapon, the Russian depth charge rocket launcher.

Golez: Indonesia’s tough talk and tough action in the face of China's excessive sea claims. We should closely watch how this plays out. We have a common cause with Indonesia. 

Widodo is lucky to have predecessors who arranged the acquisition of two submarines made in South Korea and two subs made in Germany, six Ahmad Yani class missile frigates from the Netherlands, four missile Diponegoro class Bong Tomo class corvettes also from the Netherlands, 3 missile corvettes from the UK, 3 Fathillah class missile corvettes from the Netherlands, 15 Kapitan Patimura class ASW corvettes. And an Air Force which includes 13 F-16s and 16 multirole fighters, combination of Su-27 and Su-30. Widodo's predecessors had good foresight. The Philippines has virtually nothing compared to Indonesia's defense capability.
“Some analysts speculate Jakarta’s strong response represents a new sea change in foreign policy toward China. Indonesian authorities have traditionally downplayed similar incidents occurring in 2010 and 2013 (which resulted in the release of detained Chinese fishermen), in part over concerns Beijing could cut investment in Indonesia— China is Indonesia’s largest trading partner.
“However, the new Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, is determined to build Indonesia’s maritime power and to continue its tough approach to illegal fishing started in 2014. His vocal Minister of Fishery and Marine Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti, has drawn wide support for her crackdowns on illegal fishing, and has been active publicizing any incidents on social media and in the press.”

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