Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Message from the USNA Class of 1970

Message from the USNA Class of 1970 
USNA Class of 1970

Good afternoon, Classmates:


It’s hard to believe, but 50 short years ago today we stood together in Tecumseh Court with fresh white works, fresh dixie cups, and freshly shorn heads.


We recited our oath of office, marched off to our rooms in Bancroft Hall, and everything changed forever. Over the ensuing four years, we witnessed the “Summer of Love,” Woodstock, assassinations, riots, Neil Armstrong standing on the moon, and many other events and occurrences.


One night in October of 1968 we took seriously Mrs. Heyworth’s invitation to “Come over and set a spell” and we bonded as no other Class has bonded. (The Class that restricts together sticks together.) We learned – the hard way – that the saying “They can’t fry us all” was untrue. The powers that be placed the entire Class of 1970 on report and restricted us for two weeks. (We even originated a unique chant that begins, “Ring-A-Ding-Ding!” that still binds us after all these years.) By the time our visit to the Heyworths’ residence went public, it had been blown way out of proportion, and some high-ranking officials were calling for our mass expulsion. We were even called “The Class Least Likely To Succeed.” Nevertheless, we went on to graduate, and despite all that brouhaha – or perhaps because of it – we did, in fact, succeed. Specifically,


  • We produced 27 Flag and General Officers, and
  • Three 4-star Admirals, including a Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • 153 Navy Captains and Marine Corps Colonels
  • Two Congressmen, plus the Postmaster General and National Security Advisor to President of the Philippines
  • Five Deputy Assistant Cabinet Secretaries or above
  • CEOs of General Motors, PepsiCo, Navy Federal Credit Union, MCI, AMGEN, and dozens of other companies
  • Presidents of Bryant University, Massachusetts Maritime University, National Defense Intelligence College, New Mexico Military Institute, the Naval Postgraduate School, and Historic St Mary’s City in Maryland, plus assorted judges, mayors, council members, and other civil officials across the country
  • Three recipients of the Alumni Association’s Distinguished Graduate Award
  • We were the last Class to lead the Naval Academy to a national lacrosse championship
  • And finally, as of October 2015, the Class of 1970 has given back financially more than any other Class in the history of the Naval Academy


Least likely to succeed, my foot!


Tomorrow we induct the Class of 2020. We are their Link In The Chain, and many of us will be in Annapolis tomorrow to bear witness to that event. For the next four years – and beyond – the Class of 1970 will strengthen our bond with the Class of 2020 through participation in their “special events” like donating our Class rings to melt down and become part of the gold for their own rings; presenting them their Honor Coins as they commit to the core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment; and presenting them their Ensign/Second Lieutenant bars at Graduation/Commissioning. We stand as excellent role models and mentors for 2020. We won’t let them down.


Happy anniversary, Class of 1970. Beat Army! Ring-a-ding-ding! Our vision is 2020!


Mike Novak

President, USNA Class of 1970

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