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Poll: Do you love your spouse enough to fly to Mars together?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
A drawing provided by Inspiration Mars shows an artist’s conception of a spacecraft envisioned by the private group, which wants to send a married couple on a mission to fly by the red planet and zip back home.
Or perhaps the better question is: Do you love your spouse enough to pass up a flight to Mars since it would mean 501 days of “no-escape togetherness in a cramped capsule half the size of an RV”?
Super-rich space touristDennis Tito, announced yesterday he’d like to finance the trip for one lucky (?) couple to fly to Mars together. The couple would be put on a privately built spaceship that would fly around the planet and then come back home. The voyage is expected to take about 16 months.
It would be the trip of a lifetime, but it’s not one that I imagine many marriages could endure. The obstacles to overcome would be: no showers, limited toilet paper, limited privacy and drinking water made form crew members’ recycled urine and sweat.
Chief technical officer and potential crew member Taber MacCallum hope he and his wife Jane Poynter are picked. The couple has some experience spending no-escape possible time together in the Biosphere 2. He told the Associated Press the right couple, if screened and counseled ahead of time would come back with a stronger marriage. Also, they’d get to have sex in space:
“It’s a man and wife. Private time. Let your imagination run wild.”
PS: SciGuy writes sex in space is probably less fantastic in reality than it is in fantasy.
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3 Responses to Poll: Do you love your spouse enough to fly to Mars together?
- I read the article yesterday and asked my wife if she’d go with me, and she said yes. So I guess we’ll be the ones going.
- What an incredible foolish publicity stunt. No space agency has the adequte technology to send humas to Mars by 2018. If they even try, the couple sent would die of the intense radiation outbursts from the Sun. The “happy couple” would arrive back to Earth (assuming they did) well done.Zamfir
- As long as there is no tax dollars involved I think this is fine.