Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A look at possible papal contenders, CNN

A look at possible papal contenders

Technically, any adult Catholic male can be elected to the papacy, but the last pope not chosen from the College of Cardinals was Urban VI in 1379. The cardinals who seem to be front-runners to replace the current pope are referred to as "papabile," or translated from the Italian, "pope-able." The following is a list of some cardinals considered "papabile," according to John Allen, CNN analyst and correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. Related: Full coverage
Angelo Bagnasco
Joao Braz De Aviz
Timothy Dolan
Peter Erdo
Marc Ouellet
Gianfranco Ravasi
Leonardo Sandri
Odilo Pedro Scherer
Christoph Schonborn
Angelo Scola
Luis Tagle
Peter Turkson
Photography Credit: Getty Images

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