Tuesday, May 7, 2013

China-India: Chinese think tank warns of more ‘serious’ incidents May 7, 2013

Chinese think tank warns of more ‘serious’ incidents

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Beijing: Warning that both countries may see far more serious incidents than the stand-off at Depsang Valley pending a long-term solution, a Chinese government think tank today said that such problems in future would be more difficult to resolve due to the pressure mounted by opposition parties and media in India.
“Pending the suspense of a long term solution (to the boundary issue), we cannot say that there will not be periodic outbreaks of similar incidents, which may be even be more serious” said the first detailed write up on the stand off at Daulat Beig Oldi (DBO) in Ladakh area in the Chinese media.
“Therefore, China and India must have great wisdom, determination and courage for the early and proper settlement of the dispute”, an article written by Qian Feng, Executive Director of the state-run Chinese Society of South Asia think tank carried by the Chinese language Global Times said.
Outlining various factors, it said “some Indian political parties have used this event to launch a high-profile criticism of the ‘weakness’ of the Congress Party and urged it to put pressure on China.
“We should see that these parties are often just ‘opposition for opposition’s sake’. Their words and deeds do not have to be taken too seriously.
“But on the other hand, the proliferation of political parties, the rise of local parties, and the multiple controls in the political scenario will place more and more constraints in the central government’s handling of foreign policy”, it said adding that this could be “a future trend”.
The article also attacked the Indian media’s coverage of the intrusion that was resolved after days of hectic parleys both at diplomatic and militray levels.
“The Indian media has, for some time, been deliberately creating tensions between China and India and this is likely to continue in the future, incurring both China’s dissatisfaction and India’s headache. India should use this incident to ponder how it can mitigate this damaging effect”, it said.
The article said the root causes of the confrontation between the two sides lies over differences in the cognition of the line of actual control between the two sides. ”
As the Sino-Indian border has not yet been formally delimited, therefore, both parties are aware that either party is convinced that it is legitimate and reasonable to maintain and strengthen military presence in the area.
“How to deal with the crisis is a major test of the wisdom, will and determination of the officials from both sides”, it said.
“Through the whole incident, (at the DBO) from the beginning to the end, it can be seen that the two sides have prioritised low key communication and have made full use of the existing communication mechanisms between the two countries and this has ultimately promoted the resolution of the incident”, it said.
This the article said shows that Sino-Indian relations are complex, sometimes even contradictory, but are no longer fragile. “Their anti-risk, anti-crisis capability has been substantially enhanced”.
It said that after years of adapting to each other, the relation between the two countries has reached a “certain level of maturity”.
“The peaceful settlement of disputes is not just on paper but has become a common consensus at high levels in China and India”, it said.
At the same time, the confrontation has also exposed many problems. “There is a lack of strategic mutual trust between the two sides and there is a ‘knowledge gap’ between the elites of the two countries”, it said pointing to concerns expressed by Indian analysts drawing parallels over China’s handling of
South China Sea disputes as well as disputed islands with Japan.
“Some Indians have emphasised that in the larger background of Diaoyu islands and the South China Seas, China is trying shock tactics in order to provoke action. Some Chinese people think that India, along with other countries like Japan, is trying to ‘rob an owner when the house is on fire’. Objectively speaking, these views are exaggerated”, it said.
It also cautioned Japan taking advantage and try to get close to India. “It is not difficult to see from the Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso’s recent public comments in India that internationally some people see Sino-Indian tensions as an opportunity to alienate the two countries. We have to be vigilant about these dangerous intentions”, it said.

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