Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Computers: Tablets to overtake PCs by 2014

Global Tablet Shipments to Outpace PC Market by 2015, IDC Says
Much of the gain for tablets is coming from more affordable machines powered by Google Inc.’s Android operating system. Photographer: SeongJoon Cho/Bloomberg

Bloomberg News

Tablets Seen Overtaking Personal Computers by 2015, IDC Says (1)

IDC Predictions 2013As tablets grow in popularity, it is becoming clearer to industry professionals that desktop computers and laptops are on their way out. Research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) recently released a report that shows tablets will grow by nearly 60 percent in 2013 and are on schedule to overtake all PC sales by 2015.
According to IDC’s forecast, tablet sales will reach 229.3 million in 2013, up from 144.5 million last year. Apple is predicted to sell as much as 100 million tablets in 2013. At the current rate, tablet sales will outpace the entire PC market within two years.
“Tablets surpassing portables in 2013, and total PCs in 2015, marks a significant change in consumer attitudes about compute devices and the applications and ecosystems that power them,” said IDC Program Manager Ryan Reith. “IDC continues to believe that PCs will have an important role in this new era of computing, especially among business users. But for many consumers, a tablet is a simple and elegant solution for core use cases that were previously addressed by the PC.”
IDC’s report also pointed out that smaller sized tablet sales have grown significantly since 2011 and are on track to surpass the 10-inch tablet market. According to the company’s research, sub 8-inch tablet sales were at 27 percent of the market in 2011 and will grow to 55 percent in 2013.
It makes sense that the average computer user will move to tablets for their daily needs. Most people use their computer to check email, shop online, and browse the Internet. Tablets offer all of those capabilities without the added weight that is needed for desktop and laptop computers.
There will still be a market for full computers, but the majority of consumers will be completely satisfied with the simplicity and mobility of a tablet.

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