Friday, May 10, 2013

Reasons not to buy the Galaxy S4 The Samsung Galaxy S4 is an excellent smartphone, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should buy one. Here are five reasons to stay away.

Reasons not to buy the Galaxy S4

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is an excellent smartphone, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should buy one. Here are five reasons to stay away.

If you're an Android fan with a short temper, please turn back now. Watching this video will just send you into hysterics.
Part of my job here at CNET is to play the devil's advocate, and sometimes that requires me to talk trash about products you love. This time around, I'm going to poke at a phone that we love as much as you do, the Samsung Galaxy S4.
You'd be hard pressed to find a smartphone on our site that comes more highly recommend than the S4, but that doesn't mean that it's right for absolutely everybody. So if you're about to press the "add to cart" button on a new Galaxy S4 and you need a friend to talk you down, I'm here for you. Now, go watch my video.
Exploring expert guidance through Glass
Google Glass is more than just a wearable camera -- it's a way to receive real-time coaching with video chats. CNET's Bridget Carey dons Glass and gets a lesson in archery while in a Google+ Hangout.
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this is samsungnet not Cnet all this webiste is samsung advertisements and Samsung paid big money reviews. Samsung land    

Oh CNET. Your bias is adorable. I should say, adorably irritating. Ok… it's just irritating.
The title of this article, "Reasons not to buy the Galaxy S4", would seem to imply that the video would actually be about reasons NOT TO BUY THE GALAXY S4. However, just before unveiling reason number 1, the guy in the video actually says TO BUY THE GALAXY S4. Unless, that is…
…you want to wait for the NEXT Samsung phone.
Seriously, CNET. Are you actually taking kickbacks from Samsung and/or Google?
You know what you are, CNET? You're like the comic strip "The Family Circus". Y'see, my local broadsheet newspaper includes a section of colour funnies in the Saturday edition, and on the very last page of the comics section is the Family Circus. It's been there for as long as I've been able to read comic strips.
Now, just to be clear, I loathe the Family Circus. If I develop diabetes at some point, it won't have anything to do with my genetics or my diet. It'll be because no matter how hard I try, when I read the colour comics I ALWAYS end up reading the Family Circus (and then IMMEDIATELY regret it).
The same thing happens whenever I read a CNET article. Instant regret.
Your points were all valid, but the truth is the S4 is still probably going to be the best selling phone in history. If the jump in sales from the S2 to the S3 is any indication. There has never been this much Samsung Galaxy hype.
How come you never talk trash about Apple products? If I was a writer at CNet I would talk trash about Apple all the time, then I would get fire..That's right.. Looking forward to your article "Reason not to buy iPhone 5S"

Without watching the video, here are the things I would change.
-Pure Android
-Front-facing speakers
-Change design of middle button as I find it not the easiest to press
-Maybe something more solid then plastic for the sake of making it feel more premium
DB..correct me if I'm wrong here.. but aren't all you guys..and gals.. at Cnet that do these articles big Apple users..pretty sure I remember your saying that in one of the videos..soooo  me thinks so.. so how can you guys..and gals be unbiased... 
I wasn't expecting this from C-Net, guess they're not as bias as some people think. At the end of the day, just get the phone that's best for you. 

"If you're an [Apple] fan with a short temper, please turn back now. Watching this video will just send you into hysterics."

Please duplicate the exact same language when you discuss reasons not to buy an iphone, and insert "Microsoft" when you discuss "Windows Phone".

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