Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The marginalization of Filipinos in our conflict with Taiwan Efren N. PadillaMay 18, 2013

The marginalization of Filipinos in our conflict with Taiwan

May 18, 2013 1:46pm

Tags: Taiwan
In the aftermath of the fatal shooting of a 65-year old Taiwanese fisherman allegedly poaching in Philippine waters with his boat crew, our overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Taiwan have borne the brunt of the backlash. Our OFWs have been threatened from being fired at work and deported.  Lately, they have been warned to stay home and not to venture outside for their safety from local reprisals.

To date, some Filipinos have been attacked with baseball bats, lead pipes, refused services in restaurants and stores, and denigrated as "thugs" and “dogs.” 

While these things are happening, the Taiwanese government’s response is characteristically indifferent, if not, intransigent.  It has promised to protect our OFWs from the backlash, but so far, no one has been arrested in the beating of a Filipino worker or investigated in the mistreatment of Filipino customers in restaurants and stores.

To make matters worst, despite repeated apologies from our government for the incident, it is rejecting them.  Instead of cooling down tempers, it toys with our country’s labor and remittances insecurities by freezing the hiring of OFWs and threatening to send them all back home.  Not content with its economic game, it decided to provoke us with a military exercise in our territorial waters near northern Philippines.

I can understand the overreaction of the Taiwanese people even the racially charged ones.  As they say, it goes with the territory.  Taiwan is one of the most popular destinations for our OFWs with nearly 2,000 applications every month.  Currently, there are 87,000 Filipinos working mostly as electronic factory workers and caregivers in Taiwan.

With Taiwan’s relative economic prosperity and our dependence in its labor market, it is now in a position to feel superior and dominant over us----that is, to punish us with labor sanctions, cessation of economic exchanges, and even marginalize us as their poor and dependent neighbors.

It is unfortunate it has decided to be less diplomatic again this time.

Taiwan’s arrogant behavior is nothing new.  It has a history of humiliating us.  Two years ago, they stood former Senator Mar Roxas, President Benigno Aquino’s emissary up for hours without food and drinks during the meeting over the controversy generated by our country’s deportation of 14 Taiwanese fraudsters wanted by the Taiwan Police, China, and INTERPOL to China.  Never mind that we are angry at each other but there is always a room for a diplomatic protocol.

And now, they’re humiliating us again by demanding apologies after apologies with the flimsy reasons that they are inadequate and insincere.

How do we deal with an arrogant Taiwan?  I think we can deal with them easily.  After all, they are just being used by China as a pawn in the territorial dispute in West Philippine Sea.  Besides, their days are numbered.

What I have difficulty dealing with is the fact that in the midst of a hostility against us, some Filipinos have the temerity to muddle the issue by criticizing our government’s response and sucking up to Taiwan’s behavior and calling it exemplary.  For what end?  In my limited understanding, I know it is not about international law.

I am not a lawyer but I thought one is supposed to investigate and know the facts of the case before even making a decent opinion.

What exemplary act does Taiwan set internationally when despite repeated formal apologies, it is rejecting them?  What exemplary act does it set internationally when instead of cooling things down, it is escalating it with a military drill in our territorial waters?

And talking about territorial waters, economic exclusive zone, and violation of international law.  Taiwan is not even a signatory to 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and its political status is ambiguous as a defunct state due to the loss of membership in the United Nations and lack of diplomatic recognition!  

How then does it possess the adequate legal foundation under the international law for its territorial claim?  What business then do their fishermen have poaching in our economic exclusive zone?

I understand that Taiwan has bilateral trade relations and a de facto cultural and economic office in our country.  However, in the context of our country’s supports for the “One-China Policy,” the policy that holds that there is but one China and that Taiwan is part of China, Taiwan is basically a renegade province of China that will eventually be reunited to the mainland.

China’s posturing makes it easier for me to understand why it is egging us and applauding Taiwan’s sanctions and measures against us.  It is in its long-term interest to fan the flame of Taiwan’s territorial disputes with us.

But for fellow Filipinos to criticize our government’s response and applaud Taiwan’s actions as exemplary is not only misdirected but also harmful to our self-respect as a people.
  • d'Coplus  4 days ago
    Its not a country nor a member of the UN. Like you said, its a renegade island belonging to china. I personally believed that Aquino and DFA should recall all the 87k OFWs currently in Taiwan today. There are jobs in many asian and other countries requiring their skills set. OFWs have been one of the major projects our government had created for over 2 decades which shielded this country from the world recessions. The long decades of OFW program has already reached its maturity and now that the children of OFWs in the high spirit professional field, OFW should be replaced with a more local centric program. We once was 2x the revenue of Taiwan and 10x of Malaysia and we can do it again and much better this time.
    Toward the end, Taiwan will be the loser on this battle, since while Migrants from other Southeast Asian countries can easily keep working in home care like what Forbes said in their column, construction and fishing, all jobs that Taiwanese don’t want. But high-tech firms prefer Filipinos for their degrees, work experience and English reading ability, key for example to reading equipment labels. Taiwan is not an english speaking society and they need us more than we need them. High-tech, particularly contract manufacturing of consumer electronics, is incidentally Taiwan’s top source of exports. “I would think (the labor freeze) would have an impact on the IT industry,” says Peter O’Neill, coordinator for services to migrants in the Catholic diocese of Taiwan’s Hsinchu county, a high-tech hotspot.
    Everything you see coming from the Chinese/Taiwan media are nothing but propaganda from China and none of them is even close to the truth. Filter those news agency and stay away from those brain washing news agency.
    Its time to move-on and start the new cycle of prosperity.
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      Nestor Marcera  d'Coplus  3 days ago
      I salute you.
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        711sense  d'Coplus  2 days ago
        The big questions is. when and how long would it take our government to follow your advice or opinion? Our government has been dragging their feet in creating the infrastructure to help create jobs. On the other hand, attacking Taiwan who lose one of it's fisherman by our coasties shooting an unarmed fishing vessel 50 times is not a good thing to do and be read by anyone around the world. To make matters worst, our government is slow to response in providing Taiwan a complete story of the incident. Until now the NBI has not come out with a complete and impartial investigation. Our Justice Secretary has refused Taiwan to conduct a joint investigation with our authorities for unknown reason. There was a reported video taken during the incident but no one care to release it. For fairness, we always deplore other
        countries who we think abuse us but we too does it too by attacking a country who lose a man because one or more of our AFP personnel is trigger happy. Unless and until we can be serious in providing our people with decent and permanent jobs, we will always be in a situation like this. Unless and until we can be more prudent and efficient in handling problems specially with international repercussion, we will always be like this, bullied by other countries. Let's all learn from our past mistakes and treat our friends as friends and treat our so-called enemy with respect. Remember, respect is earned. God bless!
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          Think about the OFWs  d'Coplus  3 days ago
          The real losers are the 87k OFWs coming home. Do you really think that we can start over and do better this time around? We have an inept government because of a system that allows celebrities, ex-convicts like ERAP, athletes, relatives of athletes to have a position in office. Do you really think that ERAP, the new mayor of OUR CAPITAL CITY, will improve our way of life? We're sinking deeper if we don't change our system and not allow those who are unqualified to be in politics.
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            d'Coplus  Think about the OFWs  3 days ago
            Remember when Taiwan banned importation of Filipino labor in over a civil aviation dispute 14 years ago, the number of migrant workers onshore dropped from about 114,000 to just under 73,000. Did it leave a skid mark, yes. Did it wash away, yes. We moved on and still unaffected by the world recession. Trouble with DOLE though is, they should minimize labor exports to countries like Taiwan to a bare minimum since they are a habitual trouble maker, and this time, they should completely ban Taiwan.
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          Michael Gonzales  4 days ago
          Finally someone in Phil Media stands up. More power kabayan!!!
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            meiguihua  4 days ago
            Funny was...in relationed with this incident...my lady boss told me i should just have to find a good kind Taiwanese to marry me...hahaha...never it comes my mind marrying ones..not being racist...pardon me but..i cant embrace their culture and tradition...balu bato sa langit..ang tamaan wag magagalit...hindi lang po "SILA" ang anak ng Diyos...hindi po "LANGIT" ang lugar na ito..which they strongly believe it is...
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              mrkvz0023  4 days ago
              At last!Please don't stop!Chinese media are destroying us!forget about the election because there's a bigger threat in this issue with taiwan.
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                Francis  4 days ago
                mabuhay ka kabayan! keep it up
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                  Andres Bonifacio  4 days ago
                  We will never bow to Chinese Tyranny, Democratic or Communist.
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                    Nestor Marcera  3 days ago
                    Great article. Mabuhay ka kabayan.
                    I just hate the Taiwanese. They are acting worse than illiterate and uneducated people. They are garbage.
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                      xfileFC2  3 days ago
                      I concur!!!!!! ang Galing!!!!! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!!!!!!!!!!!
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                        Greg Gliemi  4 days ago
                        Taiwan has few friends---only those that it pays for. Their reaction to this incident is a major reason why. Immediately making demands on others.
                        I sincerely hope that you in the Philippines hold strong and do not give in more than you have. Because if you do, you'll have all the Chinese fishing in your waters.
                        It's a sure sign of desperation for Taiwan to even bring up the UN. The ROC walked out before the vote took place to change to the PRC. They quit the UN. There is not international law for Taiwan. They agree, they are part of one China.
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                            4 days ago
                          "I am not a lawyer but I thought one is supposed to investigate and know 
                          the facts of the case before even making a decent opinion."
                          You are right, but our president set the tone for humiliation when he apologized without even waiting to discover what happened. I do not applaud Taiwan in any way, but I do criticize our government’s response, especially the premature apology made by PNoy that encouraged the Taiwanese government to try and humiliate us even more.
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                            mrkvz0023  2¢  4 days ago
                            Mate,there was a violation.We definitely need to apologize but not after being threatened and apologizing 3x is ridiculous.
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                                mrkvz0023  3 days ago
                              We don't know that there was any violation on our side, although the Taiwanese were allegedly poaching within our EEZ. Our Coast Guard is entitled to defend itself. We regretted the loss of life and that's correct, but all the apologies did was embolden the Taiwanese to want to humiliate us further.
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                                mrkvz0023  2¢  3 days ago
                                Try to learn about GENEVA CONVENTION.but the problem the PHIL GOV'T,they showed cowardliness and weakness.
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                                    mrkvz0023  3 days ago
                                  Don't waste my time. The Geneva Convention has nothing to do with what happened.
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                                    mrkvz0023  2¢  a day ago
                                    You're the one wasting your time,S2PID!you're the one that keep on bugging me,you're the first one who replied to my comment!
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                                        mrkvz0023  a day ago
                                      Take another look. My original comment (2¢ • 2 days ago) was NOT in repy to yours and YOU replied to me (mrkvz0023 - 2¢ ). If you can't even get something so simple right, no wonder your comments are a waste of time.
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                            Nathan  4 days ago
                            Who's been arrested when thugs act out in front of the US Embassy in Manila?
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                              Jap Tan  3 days ago
                              @ OFW Think about it.. Do you think if other country eg. North Korea or Thailand did this to the Taiwanese fisherman, will the reaction of Taiwanese gov't be the same? I don't think so. You know why? Because they can bully the Phil but not other countries.
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                                Think about the OFWs  Jap Tan  3 days ago
                                Yes, I am Filipino. We already had a reputation of mishandling things the way we handled the hostage taking crisis. Don't you think they've had enough already?
                                Why do you think we're being singled out here as country? The fisherman would clearly be trespassing in North Korea and Thailand waters if it happened. The thing is, even North Korea's military is definitely more disciplined than our coast guard. I wouldn't worry about Thailand because they have a non-existent military but they will not just shoot to kill unlike what we did.
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                                meiguihua  4 days ago
                                Well nothing is good expected as long as Arrogant Taiwan wont open their minds and just be bias with their entire life...
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                                  Leonides Jocson Casibo  4 days ago
                                  what if...we do the same to the Taiwanese here in the Philippines, is it fair?
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                                    Guest  3 days ago
                                    We all know the Philippines government is corrupted. They are in the top 10. FACT.
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                                    Think about the OFWs  4 days ago
                                    Overreaction? really? Please tell me then, how you would react if one of your UNARMED 65 YEAR OLD countrymen has been shot at 59 times. 
                                    I'm Filipino but even I know that we are in too much conflict. For a country that have citizens fleeing abroad in order to find work, one would think that its government will try to maintain a great relationship with other countries. But instead, they give an insincere apology that should be issued by the president itself, and now are preparing for the OFWs to come home, unemployed. Does the government have work positions ready for those who come home? NOPE
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                                    WJGBalderama  2 days ago
                                    Time for mainland China to assert its claim over Taiwan. Dealing with a province is not in PHL's interest.
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                                      kit_dacoro2006  3 days ago
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                                        Jap Tan  3 days ago
                                        By the way, @ OFW are you Filipino?

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