Friday, May 10, 2013

Three missing women: Charles Ramsey interview Says He's Not A Hero He's An American! zbvvc·

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Charles Ramsey interview Says He's Not A Hero He's An American!

Charles Ramsey interview Says He's Not A Hero He's An American!

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Published on May 7, 2013
Interview I Knew There Was Something Wrong When A Little White Girl Ran Into A Black Man's Arms : Missing Teens Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus Found Alive After 10+ Years! Cleveland police said missing teens Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and a third woman were found in a west side house on Monday. BREAKING NEWS: Two girls who went missing as teens found ALIVE after being kept in the basement of an Ohio house for a DECADE Amanda Berry went missing in 2003 when she was 16-years-old Gina DeJesus disappeared when she was 14-years-old in 2004 Michelle Knight disappeared in 2000 when she was 20-years-old All three of the women were found alive in a Cleveland home and are now being treated at a local hospital The 52-year-old man who owns the house has been arrested and is in police custody The women had a girl with them, thought to be about 3-years-old Hundreds of people gathered in the streets near 2207 Seymour Avenue in Cleveland, where the women were discovered. Cleveland police said Berry, DeJesus and Michelle Knight are alive, talking and appear to be OK. " - Cleveland News Missing Teens Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus Found Alive After 10+ Years!

    Top Comments

    • Racingirl911 
      Good interview. He sounds like a real good guy. Yeah, maybe he's had a few problems in his life, but when it counted most, he did the right thing! He IS a hero!!
       · 23 
    • Matias Garrido 
      God bless you Charles Ramsey
       · 19 

    All Comments (375)

    • stanilasc8 
      WTF is an America people tell me, do you have to Kill people around the world to be an America
    • Nicholas Sanguedolce 
      Omg he slapped him up!! Lmao!!
    • 1tweetybird04 
      I love CHUCK HE IS 100 REAL !!!! On da kool !! Whip his ASS bitch CASTRO
    • Patricko78 
      Go charley !!!! Tellem how it is bro!!!
    • SaaErDetNok 
      But he *is* a character - I will say that much, and he probably wouldn't be getting all this attention if he weren't. In all the parallel cases where the "first on the scene" were ordinary and "boring", we all moved on a and forgot - but because he is a character, we sort of hang around and "dwell" - and mind you: *he* will be involved in this, long after *we* have moved on - with investigations and the trial and all that. Time for him to dwell, I suppose.
       ·  in reply to SaaErDetNok (Show the comment)
    • SaaErDetNok 
      I have no personal experience that would allow me to do anything, but speculate wildly on the answer to that question. I dunno - at some level I think that the closer you are to something like this, the more difficult it is to imagine the reality of it. If you read in the newspaper that someone has died in a carcrash - then someone has died *period*. When someone you saw in the morning is never coming back, 'cause they have died in a car crash - that's when it doesn't seem real to you. *shrugs*
       ·  in reply to lester5192 (Show the comment)
    • lester5192 
      i understand the "performer" type person thing and for older people who grow with character. i would probably be the same, but not for a case so extremely horrifying and sad for these girls, the child and family, and if i was a neighbor? just the thought alone of a moment by moment basis for tens years of being a tortured prisoner and having a missing child for 10+ years for these people. how would you handle these interviews if you were in his exact situation?
       ·  in reply to SaaErDetNok (Show the comment)
    • nestorhill 
      Charles Ramsey is a hero.Love him
    • Amber Winger 
      I saw some of these comments and it absolutely pathetic how much you people are hating . I have one question if Charles Ramsey wasn't "involve" then how did they get out & call 9-1-1 ? God Bless you Charles Ramsey & thank God the girls made it back home!!

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