Thursday, May 9, 2013

Three missing women: Cop who once pulled over Castro: "I if I had arrested him ... there would have been no reason to go to his house"

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9p: Latest on Cleveland and Arias

This evening "Piers Morgan Live" presents the very latest on the Cleveland kidnapping case and Jodi Arias sentencing
May 9th, 2013
10:54 PM ET

Cop who once pulled over Castro: "I if I had arrested him ... there would have been no reason to go to his house"

On a day which saw authorities in Ohio announce that they will be seeking murder charges – in addition to kidnapping and rape charges – for Ariel Castro, "Piers Morgan Live" invited James Simone to offer his unique insight on the man being accused of operating a "torture chamber and private prison."
A retired Cleveland police offer, Simone once pulled Castro over on a traffic violation, and on Thursday he explained the circumstances:
"As he went by me I noticed his license plate was improperly displayed. I followed him into the gas station," Simone told Piers Morgan. "He was arrestable. He didn't have a license to operate a motorcycle and normally I would arrest people for that. But he was very polite, and he explained to me he was a school bus driver, so if I had physically arrested him and towed his bike there was a good possibility he might have lost his job."
Asked by the host if he regretted not arresting Castro, the former cop suggested that such an act likely still would not have led to the discovery of the missing women:
"I've reflected on this many times since Monday, and actually, if I had arrested him, I would have cuffed him, put him in the car, I towed his motorcycle away, and took him to jail," noted Simone. "There would have been no reason to go to his house."
Watch the clip, and listen to the interview, as the guest shares the story of how he first learned of the rescue, and the ways in which his 18 years of police videotape helped bring this seemingly routine traffic stop under the brightest of all spotlights.
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