Sunday, October 27, 2013

Six wars China is sure to fight in the next 50 years POSTED BY ALFRED WILHELM MEIER ⋅ OCTOBER 15, 2013, China Daily Mail

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Six wars China is sure to fight in the next 50 years

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China Soldiers Landing
China Soldiers Landing
On July 8, 2013, the pro-PRC Chinese-language newspaper, Wenweipo, published an article titled “中國未來50年裡必打的六場戰爭 (Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years)”.
The anticipated six wars are all irredentist in purpose – the reclaiming of what the Chinese believe to be national territories lost since Imperial China was defeated by the Brits in the Opium Warof 1840-42. That defeat, in the view of Chinese nationalists, began China’s “Hundred Years of Humiliation.” (See: Maria Hsia Chang, Return of the Dragon: China’s Wounded Nationalism. Westview, 2001.)
Below is the English translation of the article, from a Hong Kong blog, Midnight Express 2046. (The year 2046 is an allusion to what this blog believes will be the last year of Beijing’s “One County, Two Systems” formula for ruling Hong Kong, and “the last year of brilliance of Hong Kong.”)
Midnight Express 2046 (ME2046) believes this article “is quite a good portrait of modern Chinese imperialism.” What ME2046 omits are:
the original Chinese-language article identifies the source of the article as 中新網 (
The Chinese-language title of the article includes the word by (), which means “must” or “necessary” or “surely.” That is why  the word “sure” in the English-language title of the article.


China is not yet a unified great power. This is a humiliation of the Chinese people, a shame for the children of the Yellow Emperor. For the sake of national unification and dignity, China has to fight six wars in the coming fifty years. Some are regional wars; the others may be total wars. No matter what is the nature, each one of them is inevitable for Chinese unification.


Though we are enjoying peace on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, we should not daydream a resolution of peaceful unification from Taiwan administration (no matter it is Chinese Nationalist Party or Democratic Progressive Party). Peaceful unification does not fit their interests while running for elections. Their stance is therefore to keep to the status quo (which is favorable to the both parties, each of them can get more bargaining chips) For Taiwan, “independence” is just a mouth talk than a formal declaration, while “unification” is just an issue for negotiation than for real action. The current situation of Taiwan is the source of anxiety to China, since everyone can take the chance to bargain more from China.
China must work out a strategy to unify Taiwan within the next ten years, that is, by 2020. By then, China will have to send an ultimatum to Taiwan, demanding the Taiwanese to choose the resolution of peaceful unification (the most preferred epilogue for the Chinese) or war (an option forced to be so) by 2025. For the purpose of unification, China has to make preparation three to five years earlier. So when the time comes, the Chinese government must act on either option, to give a final answer to the problem.
From the analysis of the current situation, Taiwan is expected to be defiant towards unification, so military action will be the only solution. This war of unification will be the first war under the sense of modern warfare since the establishment of the “New China”. This war will be a test to the development of the People’s Liberation Army in modern warfare. China may win this war easily, or it may turn out to be a difficult one. All depends on the level of intervention of the U.S. and Japan. If the U.S. and Japan play active roles in aiding Taiwan, or even make offensives into the Chinese mainland, the war must become a difficult and prolonged total war. On the other hand, if the U.S. and Japan just watch and see, the Chinese army can easily defeat the Taiwanese. In this case, Taiwan can be under control within three months. Even if the U.S. And Japan step in at this stage, the war can be finished within six months.


After unification of Taiwan, China will take a rest for two years. During the period of recovery, China will send the ultimatum to the countries surrounding the Islands with the deadline of 2028. The countries having disputes on the sovereignty of the Islands can negotiate with China on preserving their shares of investments in these Islands by giving up their territorial claims. If not, once China declares war on them, their investments and economic benefits will be taken over by China.
At this moment, the South East Asian countries are already shivering with the Chinese military unification of Taiwan. On one hand, they will be sitting by the negotiation table, yet they are reluctant to give up their interests in the Islands. Therefore, they will be taking the wait-and-see attitude and keep delaying to make the final decision. They will not decide whether to make peace or go into war until China takes any firm actions. The map below shows the situation of territorial claims over the Spratly Islands. (Map omitted)
Besides, the U.S. will not just sit and watch China “reconquesting” the Islands. In the 1st war mentioned above, the U.S. may be too late to join the war, or simply unable to stop China from reunifying Taiwan. This should be enough to teach the U.S. a lesson not to confront too openly with China. Still, the U.S. will aid those South East Asian countries, such as Vietnam and the Philippines, under the table. Among the countries surrounding the South China Sea, only Vietnam and the Philippines dare to challenge China’s domination. Still, they will think twice before going into war with China, unless they fail on the negotiation table, and are sure they can gain military support from the U.S.
The best option for China is to attack Vietnam, since Vietnam is the most powerful country in the region. Beating Vietnam can intimidate the rest. While the war with Vietnam goes on, other countries will not move. If Vietnam loses, others will hand their islands back to China. If the opposite, they will declare war on China.
Of course, China will beat Vietnam and take over all the islands. When Vietnam loses the war and its islands, others countries, intimidated by Chinese military power, yet still with greediness to keep their interest, will negotiate with China, returning the islands and declaring allegiance to China. So China can build the ports and place troops on these islands, extending its influence into the Pacific Ocean.
Up till now, China has made a thorough breakthrough of the First Island Chain and infiltrated the Second one, Chinese aircraft carrier can have free access into the Pacific Ocean, safeguarding its own interests.


China and India share a long border, but the only sparking point of conflicts between the two countries is only the part of Southern Tibet. China has long been the imaginary enemy of India. The military objective of India is to surpass China. India aims to achieve this by self-development and importing advanced military technologies and weapons from the U.S, Russia and Europe, chasing closely to China in its economic and military development.
In India, the official and media’s attitude is more friendly towards the U.S, Russia and Europe, and is repellent or even hostile against China. This leads to unresolvable conflicts with China. On the other hand, India values itself highly with the aid from the U.S, Russia and Europe, thinking it can beat China in wars. This is also the reason of long-lasting land disputes.
Twenty years later, although India will lag behind more compared to China in military power, yet it is still one of the few world powers. If China uses military force to conquer Southern Tibet, it has to bear some losses. In my opinion, the best strategy for China is to incite the disintegration of India. By dividing into several countries, India will have no power to cope with China.
Of course, such plan may fail. But China should at least try its best to incite Assam province and once conquered Sikkim to gain independence, to weaken the power of India. This is the best strategy.
The second best plan is to export advanced weapons to Pakistan, helping Pakistan to conquer Southern Kashmir region in 2035 and to achieve its unification. While India and Pakistan are busy fighting against each other, China should take a Blitz to conquer Southern Tibet, at the time occupied by India.
India will not be able to fight a two front war, and is deemed to lose both. China can retake Southern Tibet easily, while Pakistan can control the Kashmir. If this plan cannot be adopted, the worst case is direct military action to take back Southern Tibet.
After the first two wars, China has rested for around ten years, and has become a world power both in terms of military and economy. There will only be the U.S. and Europe (on the condition that it becomes a united country. If not, this will be replaced by Russia. But from my point of view, European integration is probable) able to cope with China in the top three list in world power.
After taking back Taiwan and Spratly Islands, China has great leap forward in its military power in army, navy, air force and space warfare. China will be on the leading role in its military power, may be only second to the U.S. Therefore, India will lose this war.


In the mid-21st century, China emerges as the real world power, accompanied with the decline of Japan and Russia, stagnant U.S. and India and the rise of Central Europe. That will be the best time for China to take back Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands. 
Many people may know that Diaoyu Island is the land of China since the ancient times, but have no idea that the Japanese annexed Ryukyu Island (now named as Okinawa, with U.S. military base). The society and the government of China is misled by the Japanese while they are discussing on the issues of the East China Sea, such as the “middle-line” set by the Japanese or “Okinawa issue” (Ryukyu Islands in Chinese), by coming to think that Ryukyu Islands are the ancient lands of Japan.
What a shame for such ignorance! From the historical records of Chinese, Ryukyu and other countries (including Japan), Ryukyu has long been the vassal states of China since ancient times, which means the islands are the lands of China. In this case, is the “middle line” set by Japan in the East China Sea justified? Does Japan have anything to do with the East China Sea? (Those who have no idea in these details may refer to “Ryukyu: An indispensable part of China since the ancient times” written by me)
The Japanese has robbed our wealth and resources in the East China Sea and unlawfully occupied Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands for many years, the time will come that they have to pay back. At that time, we can expect that the U.S. will be willing to intervene but has weakened; Europe will keep silent; Russia will sit and watch the fight. The war can end within half of a year with overwhelming victory of China. Japan will have no choice but to return Diaoyu Island and Ryukyu Islands to China. East China Sea becomes the inner lake of China. Who dare to put a finger on it?


Though there are advocates for reunification of Outer Mongolia at the moment, is this idea realistic? Those unrealistic guys in China are just fooling themselves and making a mistake in strategic thinking. This is just no good to the great work of unification of Outer Mongolia.
After taking Taiwan, we should base our territorial claims on the constitution and domain of the Republic of China (some people may raise a question here: why should we base our claims on the constitution and domain of the Republic of China? In such case, isn’t the People’s Republic of China being annexed by the Republic of China? This is a total bullshit. I will say: the People’s Republic of China is China; the Republic of China is China too. As a Chinese, I only believe that unification means power. The way which can protect the Chinese best from foreign aggression is the best way to the Chinese people.
We also need to know that the People’s Republic of China recognizes the independence of Outer Mongolia. Using the constitution and domain of the People’s Republic of China to unify Outer Mongolia is naked aggression. We can only have legitimate cause to military action using the constitution and domain of the Republic of China. What’s more, it is the case after Taiwan being taken over by China. So isn’t it meaningless to argue which entity being unified?). China should raise the issue of unification with Outer Mongolia, and to take propaganda campaigns inside Outer Mongolia. China should also pick the groups advocating the unification, aiding them to take over key posts in their government, and to proclaim Outer Mongolia as the core interests of China upon the settlement of Southern Tibet issue by 2040.
If Outer Mongolia can return to China peacefully, it is the best result of course; but if China meets foreign intervention or resistance, China should be ready to take military action. Taiwan model can be useful in this case: giving an ultimatum with deadline in the Year 2045. Let Outer Mongolia to consider the case for few years. If they refuse the offer, then military action takes off.
In this moment, the previous four wars have been settles. China has the political, military and diplomatic power to unify Outer Mongolia. The weakened U.S. and Russia dare not to get involved except diplomatic protests; Europe will take a vague role; while India, Africa and Central Asian countries will remain silent. China can dominate Outer Mongolia within three years’ time. After the unification, China will place heavy troops on frontier to monitor Russia. China will take ten years to build up elemental and military infrastructure to prepare for the claim of territorial loss from Russia.


The current Sino-Russian relationship seems to be a good one, which is actually a result of no better choice facing the U.S. In reality, the two countries are meticulously monitoring the each other. Russia fears the rise of China threaten its power; while China never forgets the lands lost to Russia. When the chance comes, China will take back the lands lost.
After the victories of the previous five wars by 2050, China will make territorial claims based on the domain of Qing Dynasty (similar way by making use of the domain of the Republic of China to unify Outer Mongolia) and to make propaganda campaigns favoring such claims. Efforts should also be made to disintegrate Russia again.
In the days of “Old China”, Russia has occupied around one hundred and sixty million square kilometre of lands, equivalent to one-sixth of the landmass of current domain of China. Russia is therefore the bitter enemy of China. After the victories of previous five wars, it is the time to make Russians pay their price.
There must be a war with Russia. Though at that time, China has become an advanced power in navy, army, air and space forces, it is nevertheless the first war against a nuclear power. Therefore, China should be well prepared in nuclear weapons, such as the nuclear power to strike Russia from the front stage to the end. When the Chinese army deprives the Russians’ ability to counter strike, they will come to realize that they can no longer match China in the battlefield. They can do nothing but to hand over their occupied lands and to pay a heavy price to their invasions
Source: Stratrisks – Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years

About Alfred Wilhelm Meier

Alfred Wilhelm Meier is living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, "Kingdom of Wonder" and trilingually reporting from the Cambodian Capital as Political Atheist. --- Blog "Living in Phnom Penh: --- Background: Swiss, former management consultant, trainer and lecturer for service marketing management.


14 Responses to “Six wars China is sure to fight in the next 50 years”

  1. Reblogged this on pundit from another planet.
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  2. Reblogged this on Oyia Brown.
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  3. Reblogged this on oogenhand and commented:
    China should begin by solving its demographic problems. Capturing women and breeding with them would lower Chinese IQ, and won’t solve the graying of the population. Also, would Iran allow its vassals China and Russia to go at each other throats? I don’t think so.
    Given China’s demographic problems, it would be well advised to adopt a religion/ideology that has both euthanasia and eternal damnation, like mine.
    Rate This
  4. Tell your conquest to the United Nations. The PRC is afraid to confront Philippines by arbitration of the UNCLOS, and offers direct talks. This means, it is baseless for the China to intimidate small countries since their biggest enemy shall be the UN.
    Rate This
  5. dreamer
    Rate This
  6. By reading this article it is just obvious that China is a threat to world peace. They are planning war to a world tired of war, you people never learn from history. As China progress into “golden Age” they will do a territorial expansion and this is what this article is, just a classic Chinese History rewritten. So what comes after Expansion and coquest, back again to chaos, despair and the people they wage war with rises and enslave the chinese again. This is an endless saga until someone from china put an end to waging war and be contented with their Golden AGE. By the way those territories are never chinese in the first place an example of which is the spratly islands, they belong to the ASEAN People.
    Rate This
  7. wake up! your dreaming….
    Rate This
    POSTED BY ROCCO | OCTOBER 23, 2013, 9:37 PM
  8. “….yet still with greediness (of ASEAN countries) to keep their interest, …”
    Just grow up!!
    The only greedy country enough to claim more territories with force is YOU. And While you’re performing your so-called “Economic Growth by all means necessary,” you are also “re-conguesting” your people and the world with POLUTION.
    Rate This
    POSTED BY ANTOM | OCTOBER 24, 2013, 7:51 AM
  9. This is a Chinese madness.. they cannot even pass the 1st war. before they start any of these wars, I’m pretty sure all the Nation that has a dispute with China will join the war to put down China on her knees.. Go on china! dig your own grave!!
    Rate This
    POSTED BY BRYAN | OCTOBER 24, 2013, 8:28 AM
  10. I’d like to step in and say that not only was this an opinion piece, the comments section are filled with people ridiculing the author. For example:
    Translation: [this author] played too many games at a netcafe
    Translation: if you have the guts to fire guns, kill the dog government officials first!
    Translation: nonsense (literally “shit talk”)
    Translation: What a fantasy (literally “beautiful unto death”)! How come you didn’t add three more wars to fight: reclaiming the entire Korean peninsula, taking back Vietnam, annexing Japan? (The first three words imply heavy sarcasm).
    The point is, every country has its own loud radicalists, yet the loudest people are not necessarily the most representative people.
    Rate This
    POSTED BY BILL | OCTOBER 24, 2013, 4:01 PM
  11. they forgot to wrote the 7th war. 2060-2065
    ASEAN countries + S korea, USA, Japan, NZ and Australia will fight back regain position to spratlys and the defeated vietnam. At least 10 countries combined will attack china and carpet bomb their mainland and capital. This event will turn their country into a middle age era and became beggar & humiliated again.
    Rate This
    POSTED BY BOY MCDO | OCTOBER 25, 2013, 11:53 AM
  12. By that time I am the “Iron Man”.. and support who pays.. :)
    Rate This
    POSTED BY DATUK | OCTOBER 26, 2013, 12:25 PM
  13. Wishful thinking by the arrogant chinese. Freedom to the Uighurs and FREE TIBET!
    Rate This
    POSTED BY PLAYAMOTH | OCTOBER 27, 2013, 12:17 PM




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