Thursday, October 31, 2013

Vietnam successfully produces Nano Curcumin for cancer treatment, Xinhua

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Vietnam successfully produces Nano Curcumin for cancer treatment   2013-10-31 13:33:33             
HANOI, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- Vietnam has become the world's tenth country to successfully applying nanotechnology to produce Nano Curcumin, a substance that can help treat cancer, announced the Vietnam Science and Technology Academy.
The breakthrough is the result of a two-year research project conducted by scientists at the National Chemistry Institute of the Vietnam Science and Technology Academy, local daily Vietnam News reported on Thursday with sources from the academy.
Specifically, the scientists have used the technology to produce Nano Curcumin from Curcumin, which is exacted from local yellow turmeric, commonly known as Curcuma longa.
Turmeric has long been used as a traditional medicine for injuries, liver detoxification and stomach diseases. Its proven biomedical characteristics include anti-inflammation, oxidisation, cancer and coronary prevention, plus kidney and liver protection.
However, Curcumin is difficult to dissolve in water, due to its low absorption rate.
The technology helps increase the dissolution in water of normal Curcumin, as Nano Curcumin is 40 times more absorbent, said Pham Huu Ly from the chemistry institute, adding that it will help improve treatment of a number of diseases, especially cancer.
By applying the technology, locally-produced Nano Curcumin could be five times cheaper than its import price. So, the project 's results would open many new opportunities for turmeric cultivation in Vietnam.
According to Prof. Nguyen Khanh Trach, chairman of the Vietnam Internal Medicine Association, Nano Curcumin will be used to support disease tackling efforts and shorten treatment time, and it will offer hope for many patients in Vietnam in the future.
The project has marked an important step in applying nanotechnology to the medical and pharmaceutical industries in Vietnam, said the expert.
Editor: Yang Yi

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