Friday, June 20, 2014

China Sends Four Oil Rigs to South China Sea, June 20, 2014|Langley Intelligence Group Network

Daily Brief

China Sends Four Oil Rigs to South China Sea

June 20, 2014
| Security, Economics, Energy
| Asia and the Pacific
Oil rigs off the coast of China. (Getty Images)

Beijing is setting up four oil rigs in the South China Sea amid tense regional territorial disputes over the energy-rich waters . . . China’s Maritime Safety Administration showed two rigs were erected between southern China and the Taiwanese-owned Pratas Islands . . . one oil rig was built near the Chinese coast, and plans show another rig placed right beside Vietnam’s territorial waters . . . China’s state-owned oil company, CNOOC Ltd, announced plans earlier this year for four new projects in the western and eastern waters of the South China Sea . . . the Maritime Safety Administration did not say which company owned the new rigs, and it is unclear if they are part of CNOOC Ltd’s projects . . . China claims an estimated 90 percent of the South China Sea . . . Beijing has been enmeshed in tense territorial disputes with Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam, which all also claim portions of the South China Sea . . . 
Beijing is actively setting up these new rigs, including two within Vietnamese-claimed waters, to underscore China’s determination to pursue its energy exploration and extraction plans in the contentious South China Sea . . . the new rigs will prompt an uproar from other nations that claim ownership over these waters, forcing the United States and other international allies to issue more condemnations of China’s maritime aggression . . . Beijing will continue to claim it is acting within its own territorial waters, dispelling any international efforts to diplomatically force China to halt its oil rig programs.

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