Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why Russia does not support Chinese ambitions in the South China Sea? hongvi June 21, 2014 Bubblews

Why Russia does not support Chinese ambitions in the South China Sea?

Submitted by hongvi on June 21st, 2014 –
Category: Articles
Recently, tensions island sovereignty disputes in the Asia-Pacific region is becoming more heated action with a series of brazen, aggressive not only in China but also in the East China Sea on the South China Sea .

Not only fighter constantly pressed for military aircraft of Japan on the East China Sea and seeking to build on the rocks around the Spratly Islands to build artificial islands, while China blatantly pulling rig Hai Duong 981 in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam and then a series of other rigs into the South China Sea.

With a series of brazen act unfairly and international law that China's security situation in the South China Sea becomes extremely severe, that the international community have expressed deep concern.

In this context, we have seen the U.S. criticized China, expressed their support for Vietnam and strengthen military cooperation with the Philippines. However, we have not seen Russia, "strategic partner" of China to express their views about the South China Sea disputes, and Moscow also did not have any word to express public support for Beijing's stance.

The silence of Russia has led many Chinese people frustrated because they have the illusion that Russia would support their ambitions in the South China Sea after Russia-China gas deal signed record and became "strategic partner" of each other.

According to Mu Chunshan analyst in Beijing, China, this silence of Russia not mean that Russia is carrying out a policy of "two sides" in relations with China. The Russians could not show their support for China in the dispute over the South China Sea contains many political factors and strategies, including the following four basic reasons.

First, the Chinese-Russian relations on a completely different nature than the US-Philippines. Basically, China is not an ally of Russia. The two countries have never signed a treaty allies, while the U.S. has signed a series of treaties with the Philippines and Japan anninh.

In an alliance, the parties have obligations under the treaty forced to support political and even military allies in his case being endangered (such as being alien invasion ). In international diplomacy, this is the highest level of bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, although Russia-China relations have contained some elements of partnerships comprehensive strategy, but the two countries do not have a binding obligation under the treaty to protect each other in the international arena as well as for the benefit of other countries.

So long, the Chinese media propaganda has often sought to emphasize the positive elements in Russian-Chinese relations, that a majority of people of this country become "delusional" about this relationship.

At times, the Chinese press talkative also declared that Russia and China are "allies", although the two countries have not signed the treaty allies. That has led many to believe that political cooperation Russia-China is extremely broad, and that will help improve the security situation of China.

However practice in international relations shows that although Russia-China relations have warmed to the point no matter what, it will not affect the basic policy of China on the South China Sea and East China Sea.

SCS is not a place for Russia can expand their interests, nor is it necessarily the place where Russian intervention if no formal alliance with China. It seems so far, China has the expectation of Russian support for their ambitions in the South China Sea that stands out to challenge the international community.

Second, Russia has very good relationships with many countries along the South China Sea, and Russia does not need to attack the South East Asian countries for the benefit of China. As mentioned above, Russia is not indifferent to the publicly supported China in the South China Sea issue, because Moscow does not want to lose good relations have painstakingly built with Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam.

Russia inherited relationship lasting friendship with Vietnam from the Soviet Union, and this relationship continues to grow with the nurture of leaders and peoples of the two countries. Vietnam and Russia also have close cooperation in the defense sector was developed from the period after World War II to the present.

In recent years, Vietnam has also acquired a range of modern submarines of the Russian Kilo to strengthen its maritime defense. Also, in the second half of 2014, Russia will continue to transfer 4 fighter Su-30MK2 fighter jets to Vietnam, Vietnam best weapon to control the sky over the sea on land and in the case of pulses broke out. \
Russia also has good relations with the Philippines. 2 years ago, 3 of Russian navy ships, including anti-submarine destroyer Admiral Panteleyev visited the Philippines military port in 3 days in order to strengthen ties between the two countries.

Third, Russia has no reason to direct confrontation with the U.S. on South China Sea issue. Today's Russia is still the focus in Europe, especially Ukraine crisis. Ukraine issues confrontation between Russia and the West will be difficult to resolve in the short term. In this context, Russia does not have the desire and ability to confront the U.S. in the South China Sea.

In addition, the dispute over the South China Sea is not really a conflict between China and America. America is only one factor that influences rather than deciding factor regional situation in the future. As a bystander, Russia more motivation to support China in the South China Sea issue and criticized the U.S..

Fourth, the aggressive behavior, unruly and international law regardless of the current China also led Russia to worry. In Russia, many people are concerned that with this behavior, then China will gradually "swallowed" in the territory of the Russian Far East region bordering China.

Although Russian officials are optimistic about the prospects for cooperation with China in the Far East, they never continually vigilant so-called "territorial ambition" of China.

The international community was condemned and criticized, even being "strategic partnership" suspicion and vigilance, China is paying the price for the brazen act unfairly and their international law, and the main thing that is pushing China into an increasingly more isolated in the international arena.

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