Wednesday, July 13, 2016

China testing runway in Mischief Reef which is part of our Exclusive Economic Zone. This is a threat to the Philippines.

China testing runway in Mischief Reef which is part of our Exclusive Economic Zone. This is a threat to the Philippines.

Golez: China is testing a runway in Mischief Reef which the Arbitral Tribunal ruled is a part of our Exclusive Economic Zone, a clear and shameless violation of our maritime rights. In 1995, China built a structure there and assured the Ramos government that it was just a temporary shelter for their fishermen and the government believed China. In 1999, China converted the temporary structure into a permanent concrete structure on top of a small reclamation. As a congressman I raised hell and had a word war with then China ambassador Fu Ying to no avail. Fu Ying is now a very senior official in the National People's Congress of China. The Philippines and Filipinos should take a stand. This runway in Mischief Reef  is a threat to the Philippines, particularly Palawan. China is using our Exclusive Economic Zone to threaten our country.


  1. In spite of it, I don`t want to suspect that the mischief Reef was sold clandestinely by Ramos to China. Right?

  2. If China declares a "zone" around Mischief and claims territorial sea limits, then the Philippines will loose a great deal of it's economic zone. Besides, China will constantly be reminding the Philippines that they are just a stones throw away should the Phil not be nice and grant China what it wants. (UN votes, treaties with other nations, trade etc.) It is a threat to the security and well being of the Philippines, nothing less.

  3. Agreed, they are in someone else's territory. PLA Navy and its cohort are illegally occupying MISCHIEF REEF of the Philippines and technically in violation of the UN charter of which they signed and ratified in 1982, thank you and let no one else forget about this.
