Sunday, January 15, 2017

Golez: Japan's Abe adroitly pivots from the Philippines to Australia then Indonesia. Next stop is Vietnam. Coalition building vs China?

Golez: Japan's PM Abe adroitly pivots from the Philippines to Australia then now Indonesia to strengthen stand in the face of China's geo-political aggressiveness. Next stop is Vietnam. 

"BOGOR, INDONESIA – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo met south of Jakarta on Sunday, affirming coordination on maritime security amid tensions over China’s military buildup in disputed waters in the South China Sea.

"During a joint news announcement at Bogor Palace, Abe pledged to promote bilateral cooperations in maritime security and the development of Indonesia’s remote islands, including the Natuna Islands on the southern edge of the South China Sea.

"The two countries will also strengthen maritime cooperation with regard to the Indonesian Navy’s patrolling of areas in the vicinity of the Natuna Islands.

“Maritime cooperations is the top priority” for Tokyo, Abe told reporters.

"The Indonesian Navy has been alert in monitoring and patrolling near the Natuna Islands. It has also been cracking down on Chinese fishing boats operating illegally in its exclusive economic zone.

"Abe also announced that Tokyo will provide Indonesia with yen loans worth ¥73.9 billion for irrigation and coastal protection construction projects.

"In response, Jokowi said the two leaders had agreed to hold a “two plus two” meeting of their defense and foreign ministers in Jakarta by the end of the year.

"China recognizes Indonesian sovereignty over the Natuna Islands but at the same time argues that the two countries have overlapping claims on maritime rights and interests in the area that need to be resolved — an assertion Indonesia rejects.

"Indonesia has also proposed cooperating with Japan on oil and gas exploration in the isles’ vicinity.

"On other matters, Jokowi and Abe both agreed to closely communicate with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. They also reportedly agreed on the importance of the “rule of law” and peacefully solving disputes — an apparent allusion to the territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

"In the area of infrastructure development, the leaders discussed a standard railway project intended to link Indonesia’s two largest business hubs, Jakarta and Surabaya.

"Abe’s stop in Indonesia is the latest in a four-nation tour launched Thursday that has already taken him to the Philippines and Australia. He will fly to Vietnam on Monday.

"Japan views Indonesia, which has the world’s fourth-largest population and high economic potential, as a major power in the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It expects Indonesia to play a leading role in addressing regional challenges, Japanese officials said."

"The territorial disputes in the South China Sea involve China and five other governments — Brunei, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan.

"Although neither Japan nor Indonesia is a claimant in the disputes, the officials said both countries are worried about China’s increasing military presence in the busy shipping lane and are keen to maintain a rules-based order in the sea.

"Tokyo is involved in a dispute with Beijing over the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, which are claimed by China, which calls them Diaoyu, and Taiwan, which calls them Tiaoyutai."

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