Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sec. of State nominee Tillerson: "China's island building has to stop and it's access to those islands will also stop."

Golez: During the Senate confirmation hearings, Trump's nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, "has very strong words against China's incursions in the South China Sea; he said the situation has gotten this far because the US allowed it to happen." And he further said: "China's island building has to stop and it's access to those islands will also stop." 
Strong words! I expect a drastic change in how the US will handle China under Trump; I believe the US will push back in a muscular way. And the US has Japan, Australia, Vietnam, South Korea, Great Britain, India and even, in a limited way, Indonesia, on its side. I expect Russia will stay in the sidelines. China only has Cambodia, Laos and perhaps North Korea on its side in this region. IMHO, it is now wise to reconsider the announced Philippine pivot to China away from the US.

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