Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why Violet is my political color

Violet has been my color since I ran for Congress in 1992. It is a religious color. It is acceptable for Quiapo Church devotees which I have been since my teenage years. It is the color of Advent (start of Christmas) and Lent in the Christian world. It is the color of Justice: It is the color used by the Philippine Supreme Court and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. It is the color of bravery (Purple Heart Medal). It was used as a military campaign color by Alexander the Great and Xerxes. A feared Hussar cavalry regiment of Imperial Russia used violet as their uniform. It is the color of the Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus. It is the color of the Los Angeles Lakers and the Minnesota Vikings footbal team. It is a deadly color if used as ultra violet. It is now the color of the year 2010. So violet is probably the only color with so many meanings to different groups of people. It is a good color.

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