Thursday, May 6, 2010


This is an interesting article:

BENEFITS KAMOTE1. Kamote is more filling and suppresses hunger pangs longer. It isalso cheaper than rice.2. Unlike rice, kamote is so easy to grow. It grows in backyards withor without fertilizers. Local government executives can provide theirpoor communities with idle government land for planting kamote whichthe entire community can share.3. Unlike rice which needs to be eaten with a dish, kamote tastes goodand can be eaten by itself. Thus, substituting rice with kamote savesmoney for other needs.4. Rice cannot match the nutritional values of kamote. Because riceconverts to sugar in the body and the Philippines registers as a topproducerof diabetics in the world. The poor tends to load up on rice and lesson the dish which are more expensive. That makes them vulnerable todiabetes, an ailment known in developed countries as a rich man’sdisease.5. The nutritional values of a: 3 oz baked kamote 100 g serving of white rice 218 IU -0- calcium 38 mg calcium 8 mg calories 90 calories 361 kcal carbohydrate 21 g carbohydrates 82 g carotenoids 11,552 mcg -0- cholesterol 0 mg -0- dietary fiber 3 g dietary fiber 0.6 g fat 0 g niacin 1.8 g folic acid 6 micrograms phosphorous 87 mg magnesium 45 mg manganese 1 mg -0- pantothenic acid 1 mg -0- potassium 475 mg potassium 111 mg protein 2 g protein 6 g saturated fat 0 g -0- sodium 36 mg sodium 31 mg vitamin A 19 vitamin B1 0.07 mg vitamin B6 <1 mg vitamin B2 0.02 mg vitamin C 20 mg water 10.2 g6. Too much rice consumption can make you sick but kamote can bringyou to health and keep away some health problems. These have beenproved medically.In a medical documentary on KBS World (the South Korean TV Network),showed results of the research the Koreans conducted on thenutritional and medicinal benefits of kamote (which they refer to assweet potato).In that Korean medical documentary, they presented the researchfindings on people with established health problems who were placed ona kamote/sweet potato diet.Believe it or not – kamote lowers hypertension, bad cholesterol andeven blood sugar when eaten as SUBSTITUTE TO RICE! The purple sweetpotato (kamote) is particularly effective for lowering hypertension.Not only that, the Korean medical documentary credits the sweet potato(kamote) as high fiber and is one of the best foods that one can eatto prevent cancer!For those who are only impressed by US doctors, read this: the NorthCarolina Stroke Association, American Cancer Society, and the AmericanHeart Association have all endorsed the sweet potato for its diseaseprevention and healing qualities.The Americans, the South Koreans – both progressive nations – haveraised the kamote to a high pedestal. Many of them even call thekamote a “super food that heals.”And just how do we Filipinos regard the kamote? Remember how we liketo call a loser as one who is nangangamote (Filipino term for laggingbehind)?Truly, unless we unlearn many things, we will, as a nation, always benangangamote.

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