The military plan calls for a short transition rule followed by elections. Chief judge of constitutional court put in charge.

CAIRO — Egypt's military suspended the constitution Wednesday and ordered new elections, ousting the country's first freely elected president after he defied army demands to implement radical reforms or step down.
Army chief of staff Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, speaking on national television in front of a row of prominent political and religious leaders, said the military was forced to act after President Mohammed Morsi had refused for weeks to set up a national reconciliation government.
Al-Sisi said the chief judge of the constitutional court, backed by technical experts. would have full powers to run the country until the constitution is amended and new elections are held.
Morsi responded quickly, posting a message on his presidential Facebook page quoting him as saying he rejects the army statement as a "military coup." His aides said he had been moved to an undisclosed location.
In Tahrir Square, the political heart of Cairo, roars of joy erupted from tens of thousands of Egyptians.They danced in the streets, set off fireworks, waved flags and hoisted friends on their shoulders.
"The Egyptian army is the best army on earth," said Ahmed Mido, 21, a soccer player.
"We are proud of our army," said Jihan Spahi, 55, as she marched into the square early Wednesday night. "It's behind us."
There was no immediate reaction from pro-Morsi forces or members of his Muslim Brotherhood. The brotherhood's TV channel and other Islamist outlets went off the air, and some personnel were arrested, Ahram Online reported.
The country's leading Muslim and Christian clerics backed the army's action and transition plan.
Al-Sisi warned Egyptians to remain peaceful during the transition period, calling on them to "steer away from violence that will bring more tension and the shedding of blood." He said the military and the security forces would move "firmly and strictly" against any threat to peace.
In the end, the army moved quickly and decisively. The army's top general spoke only 48 hours after the military issued its ultimatum to Morsi to yield to weekend protests by millions of demonstrators nationwide.
Morsi, in an emotional address Tuesday night, rejected the army's demands, saying he was legitimately elected and could not be forced to resign.
In response, the army chief said, the armed forces felt it had no choice but to dismiss the president and "contain the cause of division and the roots of tensions and confront the challenges to exit the current crisis."
He said the armed forces acted out of its "patriotic and historical responsibility."
The head of Egypt's supreme constitutional court, Adli Mansour, is to be sworn in Thursday as interim head of state, Reuters reported, citing military and judicial sources.