Friday, November 15, 2013

Yolanda: Factbox: World aid for typhoon-ravaged Philippines, Reuters 13 November 2013

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Factbox: World aid for typhoon-ravaged Philippines

Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:36am EST

(Reuters) - Desperation gripped Philippine islands devastated by Typhoon Haiyan as looting turned deadly and survivors panicked over delays in supplies of food, water and medicine.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of donations and efforts from countries and organizations, supplementing supplies being flown in from elsewhere in the Philippines.
- The ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK: $500 million in emergency loans and $23 million in grants.
- AUSTRALIA: A$10 million ($9.3 million) package, including medical personnel and non-food items such as tarpaulins, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, water containers and hygiene kits.
- BRITAIN: 10 million pound ($16 million) package, including temporary shelter, water, plastic sheeting and household items, as well as military aid. Government also to match pound for pound public donations.
- NEW ZEALAND: NZ$2.15 million ($1.7 million) in aid.
- JAPAN: $10 million in aid. A 25-strong emergency medical relief team has been dispatched.
- SOUTH KOREA: aid worth $5 million and a 40-member disaster relief team. Korea Red Cross giving $100,000 and starting a nationwide donation campaign aiming for 10 billion won ($9.32 million).
- INDONESIA: $2 million worth of aid, including $1 million in food, medicines and logistical aid.
- UAE: $10 million to provide support and humanitarian assistance.
- UNITED STATES: $20 million and a team of about 90 Marines and sailors. Aircraft carrier and four Navy ships sailed for the Philippines from Hong Kong on Tuesday.
- The U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID): 55 tons of emergency food. The U.S. EMBASSY is sending $100,000 for water and sanitation support.
- THE U.S. CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE estimate $10.5 million in corporate aid has been donated.
- The EUROPEAN COMMISSION: eight million euros ($11 million).
- CHINA: $100,000 and the Chinese Red Cross a further $100,000. China is also sending tents and blankets.
- THE VATICAN: 3 million euros ($4 million), adding to $150,000 given by the Pope and 100,000 euros ($134,000) by Catholic charity Caritas.
- INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE: an emergency team and a $10 million appeal for aid.
- MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES: 30 people including medical personnel, logisticians and psychologists. Also sending 200 tonnes of medical and relief items.
- THE U.N. CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF): $1.3 million worth of supplies. Appealing for $3.4 million to aid affected children and pregnant mothers.
- THE WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME: 44 tons of high-energy biscuits, as well as emergency supplies and communications equipment.
- The U.N. REFUGEE AGENCY: emergency airlift to send aid and supplies.
- THE U.N. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION: calling for $24 million for immediate intervention in fisheries and agriculture.
- THE INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT MOVEMENT: $78 million, sheltering an estimate of 128,000 families.
(Writing by Laura Philomin; Editing by Nick Macfie)

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