Friday, November 15, 2013

Yolanda: On Philippines Relief, Comparing the U.S. and China By CAROL GIACOMO, New York Times

The New York Times

On Philippines Relief, Comparing the U.S. and China

Tacloban, a city in the central Philippines, on Nov. 14, 2013. Ted Aljibe/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesTacloban, a city in the central Philippines, on Nov. 14, 2013. 
American marines landed in the Philippines this week, the vanguard of an operation to help thousands of desperate victims of the worst typhoon in recent decades. The United States is also sending an aircraft carrier, other ships, 5,000 sailors and $20 million, just to start. Meanwhile, China, the world’s second largest economy and the rising power that so many countries in Asia fear, initially donated a paltry $100,000 to the rescue effort. According to Xinhua, it then bumped the number to $1.4 million, still pretty meager.
Why the sharp contrast?
America has many reasons to shift its vaunted military from security-related priorities to such humanitarian causes: It has vital equipment and skills to apply to the crisis that other countries do not. The Philippines is a treaty ally. America has been a Pacific power for decades and the Obama administration has committed to invest even more resources and attention in Asia, although that goal is still in the early stages. Not least, the humanitarian effort is also good politics, reminding regional countries that their partnerships with the United States extend beyond security and trade to munificence in their time of need.

As for China, since there is no doubt it could afford to do more, one has to wonder how much a different sort of politics entered into the decision. Beijing and Manila have had several tense naval face-offs because of competing claims over the East China Seas.
In general, the international community tends to make lots of generous promises when it comes to catastrophes like the Philippines, where thousands of people are presumed dead and whole cities have been flattened, and that appears to be the case this time. The problem is that, as past disasters have shown, the pledges are not always fulfilled and the aid delivered is not always appropriate.
Reuters has put together a list that provides a useful synopsis of the donations so far. Click here to see it.


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