Monday, June 27, 2016

Let our fishermen FISH IN PEACE at Scarborough Shoal and other parts of the West Philippine Sea.

I am not in favor of NOLCOM's plan to organize Pinoy fishermen into "Maritime Militias." Any effort to organize fishermen should be done by civilian agencies and not by the military. NOLCOM's initiative could be construed as militarizing the fishermen and thus endanger the fishermen. It should be instead handled as a joint effort of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources (BFAR), both civilian agencies. The PCG can train them in search & rescue (SAR) operations and Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) for their own protection in life threatening situations and to help others in distress at sea. The fishermen can then act as coast guard auxiliaries to protect life and property at sea. The BFAR can help improve their fishing technology and how to protect and conserve marine resources.

Gov’t task force mulls fisherfolk as ’maritime militia’ in disputed areas

Unarmed fisherfolk or 'maritime militia' could take the lead in 'asserting' the Philippines’ rights over disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea, the military says 

Bea Cupin 
Published 1:57 PM, June 26, 2016 
Updated 1:57 PM, June 26, 2016 

DISPUTED. Military ships sailing at the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea. File photo

DISPUTED. Military ships sailing at the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea. File photo 

TARLAC, Philippines – If things go according to plan, unarmed fisherfolk or “maritime militia” could take the lead in “asserting” the Philippines’ rights over disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

“I cannot go into details [of what we plan to do] but I assure you our objective is to assert our rights over the shoal with the help of all agencies including our fisherfolk which we will soon call our Maritime Militia,” Northern Luzon Command chief Lieutenant General Romeo Tanalgo said in a media briefing on Friday, June 24, as they announced the first meeting of the Area Task Force-North (ATF-North) under the newly-created National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea.

Tanalgo, as Nolcom chief, heads the ATF which counts as members maritime and regional police, the Philippine Coast Guard, a various government bureaus.

The military general however, was quick to clarify that the exact role of the “maritime militia” had yet to be determined, since the ATF had only met that morning in Tarlac.

It’s fisherfolk that have been affected the most by the ongoing dispute between the Philippines and China over the West Philippine Sea. China, citing the so-called 9-dash line, has claimed practically the entire sea.

ATF North covers Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), Batanes, and Benham Rise.

“This is not purely a military affair nor a purely law enforcement affair. Ang pinakastakeholder natin fisherfolks (The biggest stakeholders are the fisherfolks). And we should be ale to organize them, mobilize them so that they could exercise their rights. And we will term them as "Maritime Militia" kasi di naman pwede magsabing (because we can’t call them) CAFGU.... Bantay Dagat, that's part of maritime militia,” explained Tanalgo when pressed on the term “maritime militia.”

Asked what the “maritime militia” would be able to do in the face of harassment from Chinese authorities, Tanalgo said: “If you had people power in EDSA, siguro meron tayong people power sa dagat (maybe we should have people power in the sea).”

The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea was formed in late March this year by outgoing President Benigno Aquino III. Its formation comes as the Philippines awaits the result of an arbitration case filed in The Hague.

Bajo de Masinloc, among other areas, is within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone.

Aside from tapping fisherfolk, Tanalgo told reporters increasing maritime patrols in affected areas was also being looked into.

Local fisherfolk in Zambales had earlier complained that while they were allowed to fish in the vicinity of Bajo de Masinloc, Chinese authorities bar them from entering the ecologically-rich shoal itself. Chinese vessels patrol the area 24 hours a day while Philippine Coast Guards only go around the area once a week, according to locals.

Tanalgo refused to say categorically if patrols would be increased or if the military would make its presence felt in the area as well. “I cannot answer that. I don’t want to project,” he told reporters. –


Don't Care

Aquino creates West Philippine Sea task force

President Benigno Aquino III forms the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea after Filipino fishermen were again harassed by the Chinese coast guard in Scarborough Shoal 
Published 6:28 PM, March 23, 2016
Updated 6:34 PM, March 23, 2016

NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. President Benigno S. Aquino III creates the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea as tensions continue to mount between the Philippines and China in the disputed area. File photo by Robert Viñas/ Malacañang Photo Bureau

NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. President Benigno S. Aquino III creates the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea as tensions continue to mount between the Philippines and China in the disputed area. File photo by Robert Viñas/ Malacañang Photo Bureau

MANILA, Philippines – Citing the "evolving strategic landscape," President Benigno Aquino III created a task force that would unify national action on the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) issue.

The President signed Memorandum Circular 94 on March 17, creating the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) chaired by the National Security Adviser.

In issuing MC 94, Aquino said: "Given the country's national interest, national policies, and evolving strategic landscape, a more deliberate and coherent approach in addressing the West Philippine Sea issue is needed for the purpose of orchestrating the national effort and achieving unified action in the West Philippine Sea."

The President created the body as tension erupted anew between Chinese authorities and Filipino fishermen in an area considered as traditional Philippine fishing grounds – Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal) – 124 nautical miles off the coast of Zambales province. (READ: PH: 'Disconcerting that nobody is stopping China')

A Chinese coast guard vessel reportedly rammed into Filipinos fishing in the shoal. Bejiing later accused the fishermen of hurling fire bombs at the Chinese vessel.

Manila has brought a case before an international tribunal to rule on the disputes over territories, including Scarborough Shoal. It argued that an unfavorable ruling would rob its fishermen of the right to fish in their own waters, among others. (READ: China to build 'Berlin Wall of the Sea')

The move has infuriated Beijing, which insists the matter is outside the court's remit. A ruling on the case is expected before May.

Constitutional mandate

In creating the NTF-WPS, the Philippine leader said that "consistent with the Constitution, the Philippines' interest in the West Philippine Sea include the maintenance and protection of Philippine sovereignty, preservation and defense of territorial integrity, and promotion of the welfare and well-being of the Filipino people."

"The issues, policies and required actions in the West Philippine Sea transcend the maritime security domain as these extend to other areas of concern such as in the diplomatic, politico-legal, information, military and law enforcement, and socio-economic fields," Aquino added.

He cited several constitutional provisions, among them, Section 7, Article II of the Constitution "that provides that national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, and the right to self determination are paramount considerations of the Philippines in its relations with the international community."

Aquino also cited the constitutional provision mandating the Armed Forces of the Philippines "to secure the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory" and the duty of the government "to protect the nation's marine wealth in its archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic zone" for sole use of its citizens.

Members, functions

The body will have as regular members representatives from the following departments and offices:

  • Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of National Defense
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of the Interior and Local Government
  • Department of Environment and Natural Resources
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Trade and Industry
  • Department of Transportation and Communications
  • Department of Finance
  • National Economic and Development Authority
  • National Coast Watch System
  • Armed Forces of the Philippines
  • Philippine National Police - Maritime Group
  • Philippine Coast Guard
  • Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

The task force chair may also seek out other government officials and private citizens. The National Security Council will provide administrative and technical support to the task force.

The NTF-WPS will receive guidance from the president, through the cabinet cluster on security, justice, and peace.

It will be responsible for tapping the government agencies in achieving Philippines objectives in the West Philippine Sea, and will give reports and recommendations to the Chief Executive through the cabinet security cluster.

The NTF-WPS, which will assume the functions of the Inter-Agency Committee on the West Philippine Sea, will create an area-level task force (ATF) which will synchronize the efforts of the different government agencies at the area level. The ATF may also organize tactical-level task forces. –





Don't Care




Gov’t task force mulls fisherfolk as ’maritime militia’ in disputed areas

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