Thursday, June 30, 2016

USN explores novel methods to employ graphene Geoff Fein, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's International Defence Review

C4iSR: Maritime

USN explores novel methods to employ graphene

30 June 2016
The US Navy (USN) is exploring new techniques to exploit graphene to create a universal method for transferring surface properties as easily as applying a Post-it note.
If successful, the project would enable the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to take difficult surface chemistry problems and solve them once on graphene, Dr Keith Whitener, a research chemist at NRL, told IHS Jane's on 27 June.
NRL's Kinetics and Stabilization of Chemical Groups on Graphene effort seeks to remove the redundancy of trying to develop unique surface chemistry from scratch for each desired substrate.
The project could lead to speeding up the development of chemical and biological sensors as well as improving biomechanical and bioelectronics interfaces, Whitener said.
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