Sunday, April 20, 2014

Korea Ship Tragedy: Parents Go From Anger To Acceptance While Nation Wallows In Shame, Forbes

Korea Ship Tragedy: Parents Go From Anger To Acceptance While Nation Wallows In Shame

On the crowded floor of the gymnasium in the incredibly pleasant town of Jindo, on the southwestern Korean coast, hundreds of people are going through all the stages of grief. There has been anger, denial, bargaining for time, overwhelming sadness and finally a certain acceptance.
You see the anger in the public protests against authorities, in the demands to see the president, in the rage over why all aboard the Sewol sere not picked up much faster. Didn’t they have more than two hours to get off? Shouldn’t that have been time enough to get 475 people to the side of the boat and into waiting craft?
Finally, you sense the atmosphere of acceptance. Nobody who was left on the boat is getting out of there alive. Families lie together on mats and under blankets supplied by the government and hundreds of volunteers. They chat quietly, their voices low murmurs in a large crowded room that is mostly quiet except for the endless news on giant TV screens on stage.
If stoicism comes to be the predominant mood in a time of waiting and waiting and more waiting, there is horror in the moment of sudden confirmation of the recovery of the body of loved one, suddenly a burst of screaming and weeping erupts from a small corner of the quiet room. The bereaved family jumps up, rushes outside, jumps into a vehicle to take them to the docks where the body awaits them, encased in a white body bag, inside a bright white tent, a makeshift mortuary
In the stages horror, all the range of emotions are repeated – the rage, the denial, the depression, and, when the bereaved see the body, bloated and decomposing, acceptance that all is over, the waiting and the suffering of the latest victim of this terrible tragedy.
For those for whom the tragedy is not personal, the predominant mood is one of shared national shame. How could a system that has achieved so much still be so flawed as to foster such a tragedy. The saga of the sunken Korean ferry, from the moment the passengers heard one or two loud bumps the vessel began to tilt, captures the essence of a society driven by the need for success but caught up by disasters blamed on overconfidence and carelessness.
Underlying the national mood, triumph mingles with guilt, outrage with greed, and issues of face and form are intrinsic in the rise to glory or the fall to the depths of despair. Thus it was that the vice principal of Danwon High School in the Seoul suburb of Ansan hanged himself, tortured for having been rescued from the ship, leaving behind more than 300 of his students, most of whom never made it off the vessel.
The sense of guilt runs deep in a society in which profuse apologies are as commonplace as roars of victory. The suicide rate among Koreans – students who fail to get into top universities, entertainers whose popularity falters, middle-aged workers who lose their jobs – is a national problem.
In the sinking of the Sewol, a 6,300-ton vessel plying the route from Incheon, down the west coast of the Korean peninsula and then to the scenic island of Jeju, immediate blame falls on the shipping company, on the captain of the ship and his crew and on authorities for failing to act swiftly enough to get the passengers off questions swirled around the captain and the crew. Where were they, and what had they done to speed up the evacuation? The captain, Lee Jeon-seok, had not been on the bridge when the third mate, at the wheel, jerked the ship suddenly, perhaps to avoid the rocks.
The captain’s worst offense, though, was to violate the cardinal rule of staying with the ship until all passengers were saved. He and his mates had been winched off by helicopter – among the lucky few plucked high and dry before the ship began to list too far for aerial rescue.
In a show of national solidarity, the Korean nation shares the grief of the families waiting for the slightest clues about their loved ones. In their frenzy and agony, before acceptance of what happened, they shout, why was the rescue so slow, and why has it taken so long? They will keep asking those questions long after accepting their loss.
Bonded in grief, the parents of the lost students don’t need “counselors” to console them. They console one another while volunteers ply them food and drink, bedding and blankets, fresh socks and underwear, soap and toothbrushes and razors – necessities that many of them will need as the recovery of victims promises to be a long and tedious process.
Acceptance, though, does not come to some in the crowd in the gymnasium, and still more in small tents by the docks where the bodies arrive, in ones and twos and occasionally threes, every few hours.
Coast Guardsmen, manning tents marked “DNA,” tell me that some people don’t want to give DNA samples needed to aid in identifying bodies bloated beyond recognition. Still more people don’t like the idea of enormous cranes lifting the ship from the lower depths so divers can get in easily, see what happened and extract the last bodies.They fear that anyone still surviving in an air pocket would then drown as the vessel changed positions, perhaps turning right side up.
The presence of those cranes around where the ship went down is another symbol of an overwhelming national spirit of cooperation. After the slow response to disaster in the first couple of hours, teams of divers, many of them amateurs, are finally inside, slowed down by swift currents, high winds and poor visibility in muddy waters but able to cope methodically.
It’s as though the Korean people were rallying around their lost brothers and sisters, compensating for the awful face-losing disaster. In tragedy, Koreans can take pride in coming together to recover from a disaster that is also a national humiliation – another form of acceptance.  .

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